Sunday, January 31, 2010

Boy Meets Girl

Boy meets girl. Girl likes boy. Girl spends more and more time with boy #2.(Try to keep up) The more girl talks to boy #2 about boy... Girl likes boy #2. Girl sticks with boy because she's run out of time to realize she likes boy #2. Girl sticks with boy in order to appear constant, solid, and very non-player-slut-like. Girl realizes boy #2 is a problem when trying to fall for boy, so girl stops communication with boy #2. Boy and girl have fun over Christmas break. Girl decides she can be carefree, and not over analyze boy's very staid, non open communication, and non talkative manner..... (how very unrealistic of me, please note the characterization I just provided... Quite the opposite of boy #2, furthering the point of this post) The good times just sort of fade off for girl and boy. Girl realizes she's trying to make something out of... well nothing. Not only that, but that she doesn't really want to make anything out of it.
Girl decides she's got to find a way to close this. Meanwhile... Boy #2 is present again. (I couldn't resist) Boy #2 wants to know why girl even likes boy..... and girl has no answer. This is my formal apolagy to boy #2. You see, he didn't deserve me continually seeking advice on boy. Let's face it, I just wanted to talk to you more...
Here's my formal description of three things that boy #2 is, and that every guy should be:
  • He makes time to talk to you. Quite literally, he stopped to talk to me about my woes (ironically involving boy) instead of rushing off to a party
  • He only speaks the truth and is entirely honest. We may not be accustomed to honesty in men, but it's true. He honest about himself and even the male gender in general.
  • He compliments you in the sweetest ways. Might I recall the fact that I am filled with stupid meaningless stories, and half the time I just say the oddest things? He doesn't even make me feel stupid, which is quite the accomplishment. He actually boosts your self esteem because you can't... not believe him, you just do!

Just saying, I finally found a guy worth a girl's time.... too bad he's with a girl that's an A+ liar.

Six Word: Silently wishing I'm still your princess

Looks like the timer went off again...

WHY do you always come back when im almost over you... I called this remember?

He has an I love you again cycle except luckily for him it only happens every 2 months...

"He'll be back in two months just like last time! (And the time before)"
I was planning on being wrong, but SURPRISE! You always come back and re-open the wound just before its too late. So far you've never changed so what's so special thats going to change it this time?

Fool me once youre an idiot, fool me twice im the fool... what happens the third time?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

an unexpected letter.

I am trying to move on.

I am trying to forget the things we talked about when you called me at 1 AM two nights before you left.
(I love you, you are my best friend, write me)

(please don't forget about me).

(oh, and by the way...when I come back I don't want us to start a relationship or anything. At all. Ever.)

(cue tears, cue awkward pause, cue heart's collapse)


I promised myself to never write/think/talk about you ever again.

The thought two years would do my heart good.
But, wait.

An envelope on the table:

"For New Year Kid".

(Stomach dropping, food coming up throat, hands shaking...)

Who else would write me (icouldrecognizethathandwritingfromanywhere)

I remember how much I hate you as my finger drags to rip open the envelope.

I remember how much I hate you as my eyes gulp in the plea you scrawled on christmas eve.

I remember how much I hate you as emotions chokes me at the heart and makes my skin flush.

I remember how much I hate you as my heart remember how much I loved you.

(I miss you so much it hurts. I think about you everyday. I haven't forgotten about you. I wish things were better between us before I left)

(Please don't forget about me)
You tell me you want nothing from me ever again, yet you send me an unexpected letter that leads me to believe the opposite?
twofaced hotandcold whiteandblack loveandhate closureandbroken.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Search for Closure

I have recently (yesterday) discovered the answer to the closure problem... Yes this is somewhat sarcastic but really I've made a break through! It feels different now... Yes I'm still unrealistically angry, but there is always silver lining to everything right?
I have channeled my anger into closure.
This is the theory...
First of all... they could care less what we think or if were angry since they've moved on.
Second... If he is really that big of a jerk, why do we still let it get to us?
So anyways... I figured out what to do to help yourself through it.
Pray for them...
You can't go hatin others who have done wrong to you
Sometimes we get angry, but we can't condemn
Let the good Lord do his job,
you just pray for them
I pray your breaks go out rollin down a hill
I pray a flower pot falls from a window sill
and knocks you in the head like id like to,
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you're flyin high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know wherever you are honey,
I pray for you

Words of the Wise

Found this quote when I least expected it and needed it most...

Cherish your solulitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don't want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees. Decide whether you want to be liked or admired. Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you're doing here. Believe in kissing. Believe in yourself.

-Eva Ensler

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An Apology

Last night, at 12:05 precisely, I received a rather unexpected text just as I was going to bed. I never thought I'd see that name on my phone again. One word: "sorry".

Because it's been so long since I've posted I'd like to make this seem drastic. :] Let's begin in March of 2009...

I'd just cut off all communication with the swede. Over. Once and for all. Finis. I felt so free. And then there was the boy from my math class. Can we call him short stack? Okay. So short stack and I had been talking more which turned into the occasional wink. It wasn't till school was out that we really started spending time together.

The days were long, the nights were warm and I'd never felt so unrestricted. The song that comes to mind is "Summer Lovin" from Grease. heh. He seemed so flawless. The swede had been tense, controlling and passionate. Here was short stack who was relaxed, easy going and slow moving. (To give an example of the appeared perfection... I texted one night to see about going on a hike in the morning with friends Freckles: What are you doing tomorrow at seven a.m.? Short stack: The question is: What are we doing tomorrow at seven a.m.) The first time we held hands I felt like a giddy school girl. (Swede had kissed me long before he held my hand)

Summer was an absolute dream. (quite the opposite of some :/) Twilight Concert Series, sidewalk chalk and swings. (And no swede...) And just like any other dream, I had to wake up.

Come the first day of school and it was literally as though I'd dreamt the past three months. Short stack acted like we'd barely been acquainted and he was already annoyed by me. I tried to walk with him after second period and he acted like I was following him like an unwanted kitten. He greeted friends as usual and excluded me from the conversation.

First it was utter bewilderment. Then, as we blue personalities tend to do, I let it hurt me. I avoided looking at him. I put my head down right as I got to math lab every day. I wasn't very friendly or optimistic. It wasn't until that magical Tuesday late in September that my life seemed to right itself again. (I finally spoke to him like a big girl. Made it no pressure. Let him off easy. So of course all I got was a vague excuse.)

I'd like to say I never looked back. But our memories have a way of bringing back the best and worst of times and making them feel like they were yesterday. Those dream-like memories rushed back when I saw his name. (sounds dramatic right? :])

SS:sorry Fr:I appreciate that. SS:Thanks. :) (is it possible that he misunderstood me? No. It's probable.) Fr: Sure thing. SS:By the way... It's not that I didn't like you... It's that I didn't like myself. (mhmm.. Poetically vague... Could someone please translate?) Fr:It's cool. Live and learn eh. (Don't mock. This is me avoiding drama at all possible costs and the cost for this was a dumb reply. An empty one put an end to the conversation at any rate.)

I really did appreciate the apology. Not much has changed. We joke around in math as much as we have since October but I have a little more respect for him there's a chance at an odd friendship. And I don't mind so much. Everything's cool.

Getting used to it.

I wish I could agree with you Letters and Lights, but my heart is having some serious trouble finding it's pair...

it's days like these that I wish I could wake up in Disney Land.
dressed up as a princess with converse sneakers.
wearing Mickey Mouse ears.
Eating churros for every meal.
Riding the California-scream-in every day.
Buying Alice in Wonderland stickers and sticking them everywhere.

Anywhere but Utah.
Anywhere but here.
maybe it is meant to be (Drive. no talking. feel lonely. no one in my passenger seat. God, now I know how Ben Gibbard felt when he wrote that song. Breathe. Glance in rearview mirror, no one is following. Grip steering wheel. Wonder why God has put you on this lonely planet. Refrain from tearing self up. Check text messages: none. Breathe. Wonder why God made you so weird that no guy would dare feel attracted to you. Turn right. Call best friend? No. He's out on a date. Get angry. Control. Control... Quench the need to run with thoughts of getting of the freeway and getting the hell out of here. Wonder if God would stop you from doing so. Press gas. Change song. Drum fingers. Signal. Break. Control. Breathe. Hope that someday you will have someone too. Try not to wreck. Check left. Merge. Breathe.) like this.
I feel bad for my friends. i wish they didn't feel so obligated to hook me up.
I could get use to this breathechecksignalcontrolwhyGodwhy kind of life.

Making sense of it all.

How have I managed to always be
the girl who is fun to be around
the girl who is easy to talk to
the girl who is always just the friend.

I am finding myself being second choice to those who I thought would be my first.

They call (I answer),
they flirt (I blush),
they smile (I laugh),
and they touch (and I fall).

I ran 4 miles last night (speed: 7 mph, incline: 10% out of 12%, pieces of chocolate cake consumer after: 2, problems resolved: 0) hoping that I could begin making sense of it all.

But I found myself only left with a heart beating too fast, a mind clouded with doubt, and a pair of legs and a head that are sore from running in circles.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Where do I start?


My name is New Year Kid.

I am dating-handicap, flirtasiously awkward, a natural at the third wheel status; I'm just a loser when it comes to love.
I'm impatient, unconventional, eccentric, flighty, and uncomitted.
I'm learning how to trust my gut feeling and take things slowly.
I am not much of a story teller, I usually use some form of poetry or prose to prove my point.

Let this be an adventure for the both of us.

I must have some serious issues if I'm dreaming about this guy 6 months later

I've started writing this post and deleted it three times in the last ten minutes. I don't think I want to talk about it, because talking about something makes it that much more real. But I created this blog for this purpose: allowing girls to unburden themselves of their woes, however insignificant, and letting other girls pick apart those woes until they're gone. My mind refuses to acknowledge that there's a need to post this - my heart says otherwise. (I would be perfectly content to exist without emotion. It's the only thing between me and happiness.)

Newsies Boy, also known as The Pirate, has been in my dreams two nights in a row. I haven't even spoken to him about anything that bears any importance for 6 months (nearly to the day), and I have only seen him a few times since then. But for two weeks during the summer, he played a very important part in my life: unrequited love. I love that term! It flawlessly expresses the situation. Rather, expressed the situation, since I'm resolutely disinterested in his life.

After the second dream, I decided to go through my journal from the summer, from when I met him. The situation was too ideal. A painful and difficult summer in my life. A vulnerable time. A boy dressed like he'd just stepped out of Newsies. A beautiful foreign country. A kiss on the deck of his hotel room. I was hooked.

I loved the movie "He's Just Not That Into You." It was practically revelation. Sometimes, you have to take a step back, slap yourself, and face the music. For me, I have to do that over and over and over again. From the sarcastic, loud, usually pretty, sharp and honest, independent, seemingly confident writer-girl who can win any game of B.S. and model nude without any hesitancy (stories for another time), I'd like to make a startling confession. I can fall for nearly anyone. Of course, that's within the confines of male, reasonably attractive, and talented, but that's a pretty big pool to choose from.

I had two weeks where I was never more than half a mile away from him. It started fun. Then it was confusing. (Some readers may recall my question "Kiss, Bow, Hug, Handshake - What the %#** does that mean?" from that time.) Then it was miserable. He was a bad boy, and I knew that from Day 1. I was a good girl, resolutely so, and knew I couldn't change to make him more comfortable around me. So I would just be a non-participator, just a presence in the room, amid the activities I could neither condone nor condemn.

Going home was a relief. I was emotionally exhausted from all the brain cells I'd burnt up just thinking about him. All the brain cells I burnt up inhaling his smoke. All the brain cells I'd burnt up wondering how I'd finally met a guy who was smarter than me - and how that same guy could be so infinitely stupid. All the brain cells I'd burnt up in the effort to tell him no on that beach late one night. All the brain cells I'd burnt up wishing I hadn't said no! All the brain cells I'd burnt up forcing myself to laugh while watching him flirt with that girl at the airport. Once I got home, none of it mattered. There were more important things to worry about.

I have theories. Of course I have theories. I over-think everything almost as much as Red Tulip does (but not quite as much, thank goodness). One night in the hotel room, the TV was on as background noise. It was Peter Pan. It was in a different language, so we didn't understand it, but I know that story well. I don't think any Disney movie has caused me to become so emotionally involved before. At the part where Mr. Darling is deciding that it's Wendy's last night in the nursery, I almost cried. I barked at my roommates to turn it off. They were used to my whirlwind of emotions and obliged. After much consideration, I realized why that got to me so much.

Due to the circumstances in my life at that time, I would be returning from that trip to a life racked with problems I was expected to handle. I didn't want to be on that trip, but more than that, I didn't want to go home. I was Wendy, and that night was my last night in the nursery. Of course, Wendy got one last hurrah with Peter Pan in Neverland, a luxury I was not given. I was clinging so tightly to Newsies Boy because I wanted him to be my Peter Pan. Get it? The boy who never grew up.

I promise I think about him only once in a blue moon. But two dreams, two nights in a row? What am I supposed to do? I can't think about this - about him - anymore. I don't want to be that girl that gets so acutely attached to any guy that waltzes in and sweeps her off her feet and then drops her a second later. I want to see guys more clearly instead of buying in to all those dumb chick flicks where the girl is the exception to the rule. (That's an idea from "He's Just Not That Into You." Most girls and guys are the rule. There's an occasional exception.)

In my hour of need, I ask for insight. Even if it hurts. Even if it's, "Wow CC, I didn't know you were so pathetic. But I always suspected." Even if it's, "Be a man! Rub some dirt in it!" Anything. Give me anything. One more dream about Newsies Boy and I'm jumping off a cliff.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Being pissed doesn't mean you're over someone

I am having a self crisis at the moment and would love some sound advice...
I think I am in denial about the whole break up thing because honestly being mad, well pissed, at someone for a long time doesn't mean your over them. We broke up, he hooked up with someone else, and we haven't said a single word to each other.. until today when he simply asked why my team wasn't going to Las Vegas anymore for a tournament. Should this offend me? No! But it did! We never talk... we're not even friends anymore, so what gives him the right to start a casual conversation with me when I've never even got an apology, better yet an explanation! Lets just say I'm sure the 20 second conversation didn't go the way he wanted it to... I just don't feel like I owe him anything... not even a decent conversation. If he wants that he can try alot harder....

My dilemma is that I cant get closure.. I mean being mad is good and all but it has to end sometime! How do you move on? I'm not the type that can do the rebound thing! I haven't even had the slightest desire to like someone else! It probably would have helped but I haven't freaked out at him like most girls do.. He has a new girlfriend (after he gave me the mission excuse which was obvious BS!) so I don't know if I even want to talk about it to him. All I would end up texting him and saying is your a jerk for lying and cheating and ask for the real reason he dumped me, but do I really wanna know? On the other hand what do I have to lose? Should I try texting him? I just don't know how to end this with myself and really move on. I don't want to keep hating him forever and continue to not like anyone else because deep down it still hurts that he did that to me and I want him to know it but I cant........... ah crud.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Like Attention. SO SHOOT ME.

Listen up.

This boy sits next to me on my first day in my new Chinese class and says, "Ni hen piao liang!" And I was so surprised that I pretended not to understand what he said even though I am actually pretty good at Chinese and understood it completely. "You're very pretty!" was what he said.

I can't take compliments, but I sure as heck like getting them.

And my first day in another class I transferred into for the new semester, a boy approached me and asked, "Who are you?" It sounded accusatory, so I answered in an equally dumb way: "Your worst nightmare." He blew air out of his mouth and said, "Well if you're my worst nightmare, I hope I have nightmares every night." And I thought, I think I'll like this class. (And is it just me, or are boys getting more clever?)

I'm addicted to being the new girl because, let's just face it, the new girl gets attention.

And I think I'm addicted to attention.

I hate girls like me.

Back to homework now...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sound Advice

I completely and entirely support the Riley-can-suck-it-Anderson post. I found it comical and enlightening. Might I just add that it seems like boys are very similar to girls in some aspects? It seems as if spreading the word around is quite the addiction...

**Note to bloggers. I heavily suggest you start paying attention to the "Anonymous" and "Sound Advice" comments that are being posted to some of your posts. I've found them to be more than helpful, and this is why I am posting tonight.**

First: "You must remember one important thing, relationships are like buses, another one comes along every fifteen minutes and they all can take you somewhere different."

I've now decided that the more and more I dwell on the fact that Poser van Levels has broken my heart, and that I hate him for it, does nothing. I've focused so much on the negative that I've forgotten why I stuck with it so long. Might I quote my twitter: Why is it that my bad memories are filled with such inexplicable happiness? So! All I'm saying is that I'm in high school, and I need to get over it, which I have. I'm merely saying that I don't feel as if I've fully recovered because I'm still making snide comments. This is my personal goal to stop talking crap on him, and having a more positive attitude. There's got to be some redeaming qualities, or why did I ever date him in the first place? So... even though he's a man whore who preys on the understanding of the female population, I'm making an effort to be nice. (I had to get the last out of my system) This relates to the comment from Anonymous because.... I've changed because of the stupid relationship. I now make fun of everyone possible, have a lowered self image, and have lost all trust with the male population. -Wait, what I meant when I said that was... I now know how to really work at a relationship, have come to the realization that I won't get everything my way, and also now have more realistic expectations for men. Better? Like it was said, the relationships take you all different directions. I'm learning from the last in order to make the next trip more enjoyable. I truly hope this makes sense.

Second:"If the relationship ends, and it's started up again, it will end the same way as before."

I must say I agree with this. I want you to think about how you felt about the relationship after you got back together. Quite honestly, I felt we were constantly on the brink of breaking up again. Merely because, we knew we could reach that point at any time. It was always sitting there waiting to happen. It was always an option that both of us felt like we take. It made it an easier decision to break up the second time? Why? Because we never got back to "normal." We tried, but it was never the same. -Even if we pretended it was. Just saying.

Six word: Sound Advice comes from unexpected places.

Six word to make up for the lack of one on my last post: Smothering the flames leaves aching ribs.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It all started at the door-step

Adding on to CC Lemondrop's comments about a certain R. A...
We started talking in the summer when I was in mid-breakup with the previous disaster but that's a whole other story. Right after the break-up I came home from vacations and soccer camp and we went on our first date.
It all started at the door-step that night.
I knew he was going to kiss me and of course I was chewing gum but I only expected a simple peck so I just had it on the side of my mouth... All of a sudden there was a sneak attack by tongue and my gum was gone... so awkward! So I pulled out and said "Um I think you have my gum, you can spit it out on the grass.." and I turned and walked inside, secretly freaking out and sooo embarrassed.
From that moment of the awkward first kiss I was undeniably hooked. We dated from the end of June to the beginning of August. I think in that whole time we maybe hung out 7 times. Lets just say I got ditched a lot... In August after not seeing each other for 2 weeks he took me on a 10 minute date so after he could dumped me because he "didn't know himself" and "this is just High School and we need to date around so we have options for marriage." Is that really how boys think marriage work? well good luck to him! anyways..
I didn't cry once about it. I got super mad but never cried. I thoroughly enjoyed being single at that time because I was getting asked on tons of dates, and I could tell that a certain someone was getting verrrry jealous! After Homecoming, which was really fun, R.A. texted me and told me we needed to talk at school on Monday. So when Monday came around he stopped me on the way to my Photo class and said, "I know what I want now.. and that's you... if you'll take me back..." Looking back if I could have done it again I would have let him watch me walk away, but being the pathetic girl I am, I was SO excited that he'd seen the light and came back so I decided to give him a second chance.
We started right where we left off, back to boyfriend and girlfriend. He promised this time would be better and he would make more time for me. This happened for maybe 2 weeks before he started to not care again.
The second chance was the same as the first, it just lasted longer. In the whole three months we were together, he called less than 10 times!! (Even after obvious hints...) I really don't know what was going through my mind.. with most people if there's a problem its so easy to tell them whats up, but not with this particular boy, I let him walk all over me. I let it go and tried so hard to make it work this time. After Thanksgiving when I was in California and didn't hear from him once I asked him to call so we could catch up, plan our physics project and plus I was having a terrible day and just wanted to talk. He promised he would call but never did.. should I have been surprised? No. He broke all his promises.
Anyways, he didn't call and that was the end of my patience. I was up all night thinking about it and decided he would either fix it or it was over and that was the end. So, that day I decided I would look smokin' hot so he could watch me walk away..a little drastic but it had to happen.. and after physics (when we got a freaking bad grade on our project because he didn't call to plan it!!!!!) I asked why he didn't call and he said
"oh I just went to bed, what did you want?"
"Nothing now... I think you're right about not treating me like I deserve.. I deserve a lot better and if you want to fix this you'll be at my house by the end of the night or I'm gone."
As I turned and walked away he said "Ill be there by six and we can talk..." and as much as id like to say I didn't sit home and wait for him, I did... By eight when I didn't hear from him I decided to go to the gym. He called when I was there at 8:30 giving me obvious attitude saying "We need to talk.." so he met me there in the parking lot and tried to dump me!!! After I had already dumped him!!! Boys and their egos... he just didn't want to get dumped, so he came to tell me his heart was never in it and I hope we can still be friends. I completely kept my composure and managed to get in a few jabs at him before the conversation ended.
This time I really lost it.. I cried for a long time. My mom in turn recommended seeing a therapist.
Thanks mom...
Anyways... isn't it nice when all of your guy friends are their friends too? and how they just love telling you about how the night you broke up he went and made out with a junior girl who'd he been texting for 3 weeks? I had my cry and got it all out and now all I can say is that she is a little skank for weaseling in between us and he is a complete dirt bag for letting her.
So not only is he a jerk but a cheater as well...
And plenty of people have told me so its obviously not a rumor, plus I've seen it.
Now, considering what CC said, R.A. is obviously confused and jealous that I'm about 78% over him and has noticed that I could care less who hes making out with these days, and she has nothing on me. And now that he's breaking down and desperate for attention we can easily make his life a living heck, or we can let it go... I think I might do the first but pretend I took the high road.
Either way good luck to you.... you can cross me off your list of "marriage options" buddy. (:

What would Beyonce do?

I have had 8 boyfriends and all but one turned out to be a complete disaster. After all that you think id have had enough, but no. When do we ever learn? This has brought me to the conclusion that 88% of pre-mi's (pre-missionaries) are worthless when it comes to dating. Beyonce is my idol... honestly who gives Beyonce crap... NOBODY! At this point in life I am past the point of being done with high school relationships. What would Beyonce do? Probably make them beg to take her back, and when theyre on their hands and knees crawling and groveling for her, thats when she would rub their face in the dirt and say "to the left." Thats the new game plan.

Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm Feeling Hateful

Forgetting all that crap I said about privacy earlier, I'd like the world of girls to know how much I hate Riley Anderson. I have to hate someone for the predicament I'm in and it's going to be him. Even if it's really not his fault. I still hate him. This is why.

I get a text from T.S. earlier telling me how pissed he is that I talk bad about him in my physics class to Bad A Beyonce and Scott. Talk bad? I am not going to lie; I have complained about certain things about him to Scott, but it's not like I go around telling everyone he sucks. I even defend him sometimes when people talk bad about him! So when I get this crap-text, I'm automatically pissed. And now T.S. is pissed at me and I'm pissed at him and when he gets home from the wrestling tournament tomorrow night, this house will be VERY PISSY.

Here's my theory on why Riley-Can-Suck-it-Anderson decided to tell T.S. I was ripping on him in physics. In class, I talk to Bad A Beyonce (Riley's ex) and Scott. Riley sits to the side and is pretty much left out of our conversations because of the fact that he's a JERK (something I didn't believe until now). So instead of getting a life, he listens to whatever Bad A Beyonce says thinking "Dang, I screwed myself with that girl," and he overhears bits and pieces of our discussions, some of which might be about T.S.! And because he wants attention that bad, he tells T.S. and decides to add some twists.

Thus we have this problem.

And to think! I used to think Riley was such a great guy!

Since Riley obviously eavesdrops in on my conversations with Bad A Beyonce, he probably knows all about the Boy Blog! So Riley... if you read this... I'll regret saying this later, but... SUCK IT!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I was unaware of your presence as you slowly made your way in. I was too focused on blocking the one thing I was desperately hanging on to. And yet, you filled part of my longing heart with warmth like sunshine breaking through my overcast days of confusion and emptiness. You smother the flames of the past, that had scorched my skin -tainting my perceptions of black and white. The only thing left to say is, thank you.

Friday, January 1, 2010

I'm Not Ready to Let You Go

It would have been a pathetic sight, had anyone been watching. Or perhaps it would have been heart wrenching; I don't know. My black heels slid repeatedly on the ice as I struggled to drag my heavy suitcase through the snow, watching it become more and more entrenched the harder I tried to pull it through what has got the be the worlds least convenient form of precipitation, next to hurricanes.

Through my tears, I misjudged the step ahead of me and fell to my knees, the words my mom had yelled as I packed my bags still repeating in my mind. It was sheer determination that got my heavy luggage in the trunk without slipping again off my feet, or perhaps my pure desire to get away as soon as possible. It was past midnight on a Saturday night, two weeks before Christmas. I cleared the driveway just as the first, fragile snowflakes began to fall.

Minutes later, I pulled into the Del Taco parking lot where Bobby and I had agreed to meet. Keeping my balance through the quick sprint from my car to his, I climbed into the passenger seat and tried to thaw out, hoping that he couldn't see the tears still spilling down my cheeks and knowing that he could. He asked a few questions concerning my general well-being, which I assured him was well on it's way to being perfectly adequate. He ignored my obvious lie and reminded me instead that he loved me, that he was there for me and that everything would be alright.

"I think we should just be friends."

I forced the words through my lips before I could find a reason to change my mind. I knew the phrase was cliche and overused, but I had simply wanted to get it out as quickly as possible and so skipped over the part where I would think of a more creative replacement for 'I'm breaking up with you.'

"Okay, whatever you want," he answered with an expression and tone of voice that implied that he would promptly carve out his own heart if he thought it would make me happy. Or maybe I'm being melodramatic.

The thing is, I really, really didn't want to break up with Bobby. We had only been together for a few months and he had a way of making me happy pretty much all the time, not just those few months but the better part of a year leading up to them. He had played the role of my best friend, while ever so patiently waiting for any shot I would give him at being my 'The One.' I knew that I could trust him with my whole heart, should I decide to give it to him. The problem was, my heart was in no condition to be given away, even to this sweet boy.

Still, his quick answer broke through my cloud of self pity long enough to surprise me. I didn't know what I had been expecting exactly, but I was fairly certain that an immediate "Okay" was not on the list.

We sat in comparative silence for a few minutes as I willed my pain to quit leaking out of my eyes in droplets. He occasionally expressed concern for my welfare, and I continued to pretend that I was okay. I wondered briefly if perhaps he hadn't in fact noticed that I had just requested the immediate termination of our relationship. I couldn't really see how he could have missed it. I had been pretty straightforward.

"I'm sorry," I said, minutes later.

"Sorry for what?"

"That we can't be together."

This time a quick reply was not forthcoming. I risked a glance at him and saw that his gaze was fixed ahead at the building snowstorm, his face an emotionless mask.

So he had noticed. While this was more in keeping with my subconscious expectations, I did not enjoy the fact that I had indeed hurt him.

"We should probably be going," he said, with part concern and part feigned nonchalance.

He was right. The storm was getting fiercer by the minute, and the freeway was going to be a nightmare. I followed behind him in my car as we slowly navigated the I15, sliding out only a few times on Bangerter but fortunately missing obstacles such as other cars. It was a full hour before I was safely perched on his couch, cocooned in the blankets that he had fetched and wrapped around me the moment we arrived, as was our tradition. Bobby's family had taken me in on several occasions that year, when disagreements with my parents had resulted in one or the other of us suggesting I find somewhere else to stay. Tonight was hardly new to Bobby's family. It held a marked difference for me however.

If you leave now you better not plan on coming back...

Knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep for a while, Bobby started the season finale of Glee while I acted vaguely comatose. I both yearned for and dreaded any sort of physical contact, reacting with equal amounts of relief and pain when he finally placed his arm around my shoulders. It didn't last long, however. He soon removed his arm and a minuted later we had both shifted so that we were no longer touching each other at all. We didn't make eye contact.

I silently congratulated myself that I had gone so long without crying. Ah, the miracle of television. I vaguely recall watching more TV, and then discussing the events of the night, but honestly this is where it all gets hazy. In any other company I might suspect having been drugged. I suppose it must have been the stress. In any case, I don't remember what we watched or what was said.

I do remember when we decided that it was time we tried to sleep. We walked together down the stairs to his basement bedroom and he busied himself with straightening the bed and covering all glowing surfaces. I can't sleep if there's any light in the room; this includes clocks, computers and the various lights that much of our modern technology seems to come with these days. He had always been the one to see to every detail of my comfort. The only part that I wasn't used to was the way he quietly moved around the room as if in a great hurry, and the way that he wouldn't look at me.

"Okay then, goodnight."

And he was gone. Just like that. Without another word or glance to suggest that he could ever forgive me. I stood there, shocked in the wake of his abrupt dismissal. He had never, in the ten months that I had known him, left me like that before. Things were bad.

Gone were the tears that stole silently across my face. Replacing them were sobs that wracked my whole body; I held my breath to keep the sounds from escaping my throat, shaking violently with repressed pain. I fell onto his bed, taking only as much breath as was absolutely needed.

It was perhaps a minute later that I heard a sudden knock on the door. I hurriedly dried my eyes and sat up.

"Come in."

I swear on my life, it was just like the movies.

The door swung open and Bobby strode determinedly into the room, eyes locked on mine. Not stopping until he was directly in front of me, he leaned down to eye level.

"I'm not ready to let you go," he said gently, and he kissed me.

He held me until I felt calm again, and I thought that maybe, just maybe, things would be okay after all.