Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Circle of Love

Ok, so I have this crush (I always start out this way). I really like him, and I've liked him since the beginning of last summer. We are really good friends and sometimes I think that he thinks I'm really funny. You see, I'm a very humorous person. For awhile everything went along great. I secretly liked him, nobody but my best friends new and I made excellent jokes. But something was very rotten (and possibly moldy) in the state of Denmark. I have a hot best friend.

Now I know what your thinking. Why do you hang out with people hotter than you? That's not smart at all! Well you don't know Kim. Besides being hot she is super nice and very funny. She also has a very unique style that this boy happens to adore. So I not only hang out with her, but I try extremely hard to be her clone... Sad I know... (read my first blog on to see why). Now, while I can't go long with out talking to, laughing with or poking Kim, I have a part of me that wants to "shave her face off and nail it to my wall." For a long time I struggled with my personality disorder. I would be really rude to her and not tell her why, and then come back later like nothing had happened. I even broke up with her, but I couldn't even last a whole week without her. You see, Kim and I aren't even best friends anymore. We are soul sisters. I know it sounds corny, but I love her, and I would pick her any day over any boy (even Jonny Depp).

I started this post very vengeful and angry... not at anyone in particular. I was upset that the boy didn't like me better or complement me, but writing about my best friend I realize that it's the people who already love me that I should think about. Thank you Kim.. For loving me.. Even when I blame you. Friends should be forever.

False Attraction

Don't be attracted to things like, when they wear a hat a certain way, when they smell so good you can't stop huffing up their cologne, when their breath is irresistible, or when their veins pop out of their arms after working out and such. These are just false attributes that may be seductive in your eyes, but as Freckles puts it, it's just hormones. It's way true, but we need to fight against stupid emotions so you don't get into trouble with the opposite sex. I have to fight being too attracted to Dustin when he does or doesn't do something, or says something that is a total turn on. (The rare times that he actually does)**

It's so easy for good girls to do something bad. That's what my bishop said to me when I went in to my 16th birthday interview a while ago. He said, "No kissing (failed him on that one :/) or being alone(also failed) with the opposite sex. That's how young innocent girls wind up getting pregnant." I'm not pregnant and I haven't done anything TO get pregnant and I've failed both of those things. So in his face! NEH! But It was good advice. And I should follow it just in case it does get out of hand. But in my opinion, I'll be OK and not do anything bad.
There is some advice for people who want to listen to it.

p.s. The ** is because I let Dustin read the ones he is in, and so I'm just messin' with him. ah ha I'm funny :P

What Happens During Movies

Well, CC says to share all my great or horrendous stories. I have so many I will just some up about what happens during ALL movies. So here we go...

It ends up that we never actually watch the movie. Don't be thinking that we do way dirty stuff. I'm not like that. I promise. We only kiss for brief sections during the movie. The most part is just talking or me getting attacked. I hate it when people know my ticklish spot, because then they use it to their advantage, and I can't do anything about it. Yeah, apparently I'm a spaz about many things, and that includes this. You can't tickle me and then call me a spaz, because it's your fault for me being the spaz. Choose one or the other. You can't do both. It just doesn't work. :]

But anyways, that's what happens during movies. In my case anyways. I wish all my stories had a lesson to learn from them, but I'm not gonna lie. Most of them are just pointless stories that may or may not be a waste of your time reading.

A Circle of Love

Ok, so I have this crush (I always start out this way). I really like him, and I've liked him since the beginning of last summer. We are really good friends and sometimes I think that he thinks I'm really funny. You see, I'm a very humorous person. For awhile everything went along great. I secretly liked him, nobody but my best friends knew and I made excellent jokes. But something was very rotten (and possibly moldy) in the state of Denmark. I have a hot best friend.

Now I know what your thinking. Why do you hang out with people hotter than you? That's not smart at all! Well you don't know Alice. Besides being hot she is super nice and very funny. She also has a very unique style that this boy happens to adore. So I not only hang out with her, but I try extremely hard to be her clone... Sad I know... Now, while I can't go long without talking to, laughing with or poking Alice, I have a part of me that wants to "shave her face off and nail it to my wall." For a long time I struggled with my personality disorder. I would be really rude to her and not tell her why, and then come back later like nothing had happened. I even broke up with her, but I couldn't even last a whole week without her. You see, Alice and I aren't even best friends anymore. We are soul sisters. I know it sounds corny, but I love her, and I would pick her any day over any boy (even Johnny Depp).

I started this post very vengeful and angry... not at anyone in particular. I was upset that the boy didn't like me better or complement me, but writing about my best friend I realize that it's the people who already love me that I should think about. Thank you Alice.. For loving me... Even when I blame you. Friends should be forever.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fighting With My Boyfriend

Fighting with boyfriends one day, and making out the next. I'd say I might be a little bipolar towards this relationship. I was thinking about it today, and I don't know what would happen if we broke up. Would he still want to be friends? Or would he possibly hate me and never want to see my face again? Maybe something in between, like a, saying hello but never hanging out or having an actual conversation. I have to worry about these things, because I'm only a sophomore at this present time, and so I know the break up will happen eventually. We just argue a lot. I mean, never fighting, per se, but still arguing about everything. Maybe that's a bad habit that we just keep getting deeper and deeper into. It is possible that I'm just being over dramatic and it's truly not a big deal. I don't know. Having a boyfriend causes mixed feelings a lot of the time, I decided.

Before story time, I must add this extra story so you will understand the reason as to why he had one in his wallet. So his mom walks in (I wasn't there. this is the story he told me after it all happened) after grocery shopping. She pulls a box out and throws it at Dustin and says, "Now I'm not giving you permission, but just in case." I bet some people can guess what it was. Freaking condoms!!! How embarrassing is that?! I was embarrassed and I wasn't even there. She also told him to keep one in his wallet. So he did. Okay, now on to story time...

Story time (you will find that I like story time, and I love telling people them even if they don't give a rats butt about it): On Sunday, I went to the Tri-City golf coarse in AF (where Dustin[Boyfriend] works), and Shelby thought it would be funny if we took the condom out of his wallet and put it on the antenna of his car. So that's exactly what we did. We ran away to my car because we had to get home for a fireside. But anyways, so i look over and he is running over to us. We were being immature and saying things like, "it sounds like someone is talking but it's just the wind." or, "Shelby, did you hear something? I didn't." etc. So Dustin almost tackles me and says something about the condom and then he threw it at my face!!! I was so angry at him. After I made him put my golf clubs in the back of my car, I drove away in a furious manner. The End.

Lesson of this story, don't jokingly put a condom on someones car, or it will be thrown in your face. Yuck!

The reason I said, at the beginning, about me being bipolar, was because I went to his house today and was just fine and wasn't mad about anything, and I was just having fun being with him. Yes, I know, I have issues.

p.s. You will find several grammatically incorrect things in my blogs. Just ignore these.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Boy Blog Manifesto

I. Nothing is too personal for The Boy Blog. This means: 'Fess up.

II. If something IS too personal for The Boy Blog, you shouldn't be doing it.
1. If you are doing it, however, use discretion in what you post.
2. You do have the right as an author to make changes to older posts as you see fit. For example, that post when you called Susie a slut? When Susie decides to write on the blog, you should edit that detail out.

III. An addition to "The Manifesto" can be made at any time by any author, but no rule can be destroyed. Like The Constitution, only no right to privacy.

IV. This blog was created with the intent of enlightening other young females to the confusing world of men. None of us can navigate these treacherous waters alone. Do not forget that the blog's creation was not to dish gossip, but to give and take advice.
1. Occasionally gossip IS necessary to get to a point.
2. Be very careful when talking about other girls. They have every right to read this blog. And keep in mind that at any time, they could decide to get permission to join the blog and rip on YOU! This is The Boy Blog, not the Girls-Being-Catty Blog.

V. While we can use terms and list ideas from the inspirational book "The Boy Book" by E. Lockhart, we cannot in fact copy anything straight from the book without giving proper credit. We want to be as honest as possible, with citing works, funny antidotes, and scamming adventures.
1. This applies to all other sources we wish to quote.

VI. CC reserves the right to delete any content added by Rainbow about falling off the bed, even though you claim it was a couch. While honesty is encouraged, prudence in activity is also encouraged. (See Platform II.)

VII. We must not keep back any knowledge from The Boy Blog. To do so is selfish, tacky, and slutty. It keeps much-needed knowledge from the inquiring minds of confused, needy girls that need our help and advice.

(added 12:34 AM, 4/26/08)

VIII. While other girls may be added as authors to this blog, it should be remembered, the Manifesto applies to ALL of them, not just the founders.

(added 6:02 PM, 4/28/08)

IX. Any readers who are interested in contributing to The Boy Blog, please contact CC at Just give me your name (code name required) and reason for interest!

(added 12:18 AM, 1/5/09)

X. THIS BLOG IS NOT FOR BOYS, in spite of its title.
1. Any author divulging information to any boys concerning the author's identities or any other information will be REMOVED.
2. All persons, authors and subjects, should have protected identities. This REQUIRES code names.

(added 11:19 PM, 5/12/09)

XI. Profanity is not permitted on the blog. This may have been different in the past, but this rule is enforced.
1. The words "hell" and "frick" will be permitted.
2. The words "slut," "whorebag," "hoochie-mama," and all synonyms of these words are permitted, unless otherwise decided by CC.

(added 2:00 PM, 6/17/09)

XII. All girls on the blog have each others backs. There is no question about that.

(added 10:23 AM, 1/9/10)