Saturday, June 19, 2010

A revolution.

This is the day I take my stand.
Today, from now on, I am promising myself:

-NO more guys who treat me like a sex-object. I am a human. I have a concious and basic decency. I am a female who knows when and where it is appropriate to express my sexuality. I will stand up for my morals.
-NO more guys who think they can manipulate me. I know a womanizer when I see one. You enjoy hunting the weak girls and twirl them in circles until their vision is blurry and their world is distorted. Total control is your goal and you will do next to anything to have it. I will see the signs and defend myself.
-NO more guys who are lazy and unmotivated. Let me sum this up for any guy who is reading this: SHE IS WORTH IT. I will dump any guy who more lazy than I am!
-NO more rudeness and sheer lack of manners. Would it kill you to open a door? Reply to a text message? Make eye contact? Say more than two words? No, it's not impressive when every other word coming out of your mouth is either the f-word of a reference to sex. No, it's not impressive when you slap my butt in public and yell "Man conquer woman!!" NO. It is NOT impressive when you treat me like I don't know anything and that I would be nothing without you! I will expect to be treated with respect and common curteousty.
-NO more guys who always have a condescending remark to give to me. Don't think you're smarter than me because 3/4 of the time, I have the upper hand and know what I'm doing. Your sarcastic and caustic remarks do not HELP they HURT.
-NO more guys who treat us more like a job than a relationship. Sorry sweetie, putting in so many hours will not have me putting out.
-NO more macho boys and single brain-celled male guys. When was the last time you were out of your man cave? I am sick of talking about the best protien powder. I can repreat the story of when you failed 9th grade english and can't graduate anymore. You've told me millions of times how easy all your previous ex-girlfriends were. And it is NOT cool to tell me how you haven't read a book since elementary school. Please, I will do anything for any form of intelligent converation!! I will choose a guy who has brains over muscle any day!

This is what I think:
-YES to guys, not boys.
-YES to guys who are so comfortable with themselves that they encourage me to be comfortable with myself.
-YES to guys who enrich my life and help me grow. I will date a guy who wants me to become bigger than myself, who sees potential in me and our relationship. I will date a guy who laughs in the face of uncertainty, bridles any risk presented, and will hold my hand to constantly remind me we are in this together.
-YES to guys who see me as an equal. When there is a problem, we can address both sides and be fairly represented. When feelings flair, we will let them flair but know how to deal with them. We will be adults and not adolensences. He will respect my thoughts, ideas, opinions. If I am in the wrong, he won't save this opportunity and backstab me later. He will call me out and we will not dwell on the problem, but the solution.
-YES to guys who drop their emotional luggage, don't bother testing the water, and dive in head first. He doesn't believe in being tied down by the past and is optimistic about the future.
-YES to guys who have a constant personality: they would be the same guy I was crazy for and treat me the same way as he would in front of his friends or if we were on a date.

From now on:
-I will not compromise what I want now for what I want in my future.
-I will act like I'm worth it because I am.
-I will encourage risks, grasp challenges, interpret "danger" as "adventure", and enjoy the ride.
-I will remeber that who I date is a reflection of who I am. Dating a egotistical jerk who is prone to temper tantrums? Pick yourself apart before you even think of picking them apart.
-I will respect myself. If I don't, then why would any one else?

May this be a revelation and revolution for any woman who reads this!


  1. You go girl. I am framing this and putting it in my bedroom.

  2. NYK, we need to have a chat. However, this has changed my entire look upon relationships. I'm pretty sure that I give this post a resounding.... AMEN!!!

  3. Can I get a Hallelujah?? Anyone?
