Friday, October 8, 2010

Cowboys and Biology

Now, I know you've all given up on this blog. We're in college....this is so beneath us...I don't have time...get over yourselves! Please keep posting, since you all just bring me such joy!
Here's a funny story to get things started.....
My friend and I were sitting in biology. Now, there's been this boy in our class that is the sweetest cowboy. My friend decided she wanted this boy to be her next kiss. Yes well, it's a topic of our conversations everyday. We've been trying to come up with plans that would lead him to asking for her number....
Then one day, it all changed.
He was sitting between us, and we were facebook chatting about our scheming plans. As my friend leaned over to watch another YouTube video (Yes I know, we totally pay close attention in biology!) the cowboy happened to look over....
"I wish he'd as for my number.....if he doesn't I'll be so depressed and kill myself!...."
Oh dear. Slight emergency here. She's really not that dramatic, I promise. However, here we are, over exaggerating, and the cowboy read it. Furthermore, he still didn't ask for her number. Double whammy. To make matters worse, when class ended we started talking about him. We were laughing at how awkward and funny the whole thing was, and lamenting about how he STILL didn't get the picture. Little did we know...he hadn't quite left the room. So, not only did he read our entire conversation, but he heard the whole thing in person.
Wow. We are just so great. Have a laugh!

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