Friday, December 18, 2009

Interviews with Boys

The new welcoming video has inspired me to create my own interview for boys. I hope the answers to the questions below help you out a little, and maybe help you with your various situations....

Tell me about your first kiss:
TD-I can't even remember it.
ZZ-Truth or Dare. She was in 5th grade and I was in 6th. She still denies we kissed to this day.

How many girls have you kissed and how many of them were make outs?
TD-17 kisses and 10 make outs
ZZ-7 kisses and 5 make outs

How do you know a girl wants to be kissed?
TD-Primo instinct. It just comes to me, and I can just tell.
ZZ- There's this look on her face.

How do you know a girl likes you?
TD- Usually she just tells me. I just hate it when her friend is the one to tell me. Never have a go between!
ZZ- She just shows more interest in you than other guys.

How do you show that you like a girl?
TD- I don't, I mean I treat them all the same. I'm just really nice. If I really like a girl, I will tell her. Honesty is the best policy obviously.
ZZ- I just try to make sure she notices me more so than others.

How do you make the girl you're interested in feel special?
TD-I give her lots of physical attention. I'll give her hugs, hold her hand, put my arm around her shoulder...that sort of thing.
ZZ-Treat her differently so that she knows and feels special. I'll give her flowers or something.

How would you tell a girl you're not interested?
TD-Well I used to make sure that the girl would see me with some other girl. I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Then I realized it had the opposite effect. So after I gained more "life experience" I just maintain a tight friendship boundary line.
ZZ-That's difficult. I would just tell her straight up, and I have before. I would just make it clear that I value her friendship more than anything and that I wouldn't want to ruin anything with a relationship.

What is the first thing you notice in a girl?
ZZ- It's almost physically impossible not to judge someone by their looks. As far as like mentally....she has to be open.

What is your biggest turn off?
TD-Definitely when she wears too much make up. I hate it when you can see where the foundation stuff ends right before their hairline.
ZZ-When she's fake. It's when she tries to be something she's not just to attract a certain type of person.

What is some advice you'd give to girls concerning guys?
TD- Just talk. Guys are going to be more comfortable with you if they don't have to do all the work. Never bring up your personal issues on a first date. (He gave the example of a first date he went on where the girl had said.....I hate my parents, my best friend and I are fighting, ect. He said, if she couldn't get along with all of those people, how were we supposed to get along?)
ZZ- Once you get past the bull shit, you'll learn who they really are. BS meaning the calky attitude, ect. The "front" of what they want to be perceived as. You just can't get past that in high school because both of you care too much about what others think still. (No matter how much you deny it)

What are some reasons you've broken up with girls?
TD-I've been cheated on and lied to. Also, when a girl wants to text all of the time I can't handle it. -and when she has no ambition.
ZZ-One time I didn't want to be with this girl anymore, and I was just looking for a reason to break up with her. So, when she decorated my room for Valentine's Day with glitter, confetti, ect. I told her I wanted to break up because of that. I just used it as an excuse. (*See? I think it's always something larger.) Also, I would break up if I ever felt like I was the only one making an effort in the relationship.

Tell me about an awkward kissing story:
TD-Let's just say I don't buy popcorn when I'm at a movie with a girl.
ZZ- I kissed a girl solely for the purpose to piss off my current girlfriend, so she'd break up with me. I tried to track down the poor girl I'd kissed to apologize but I never did. I honestly just really like the girl's (referring to his girlfriend) voice! She was an amazing singer!

Eye contact rule: True or False? (Referring to Sparkle Lily' he takes you to your door, if you make eye contact at all while you walk and talk then you'll most likely kiss)
TD- False

What is your fix all when you're in trouble with a girl?
TD-I just talk to her about it. I'll listen, really listen, to why she feels the way she does, and then let her decide how she wants me to fix it.

First date: group or single?
TD-single, if she can't be herself around me then where would the whole thing go?
ZZ-group, it takes off some of the awkwardness.

TD- I don't say it unless I'm serious when i say it.
ZZ-It's completely over used. A high school student isn't experiencing real life. You see each other at school, in a class, ect. but then you have a 10 hour break from each other. You won't experience real love until there isn't any breaks, when you both have separate jobs, and you're parents aren't paying for your dates.

What's the sign for "I want to hold your hand?"
ZZ- I just brush my hand against theirs casually; I get closer and closer, and when she doesn't move away....I just grab it.

How do you show you're angry?
ZZ-I just stop talking.

Six word: So I am supposed to talk?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

No more sob stories

After the strained weeks of still looking for him when I walk into a room, waiting for a call that'll never come, and having my hands feel so...dry.... I finally have moved on. I might have had a re bound---totally not worth it PS, I didn't really think you could be a bad kisser, but yes. It is more than possible!---but I've moved on! It's been atleast a 2 month process, but the guilt is gone. My pain has subsided, and I'm done. I don't even need attention from him at all; it's a great feeling I assure you.
To prove my point, I'd like to relate a story of mixed signals, black man lips (no racist connotations), and snowy nights......

His name is DFS. He's the funniest guy I've ever met. It's like he speaks in sarcasm. My favorite quote from one of our dates, "Stoplights are humans without legs." It means absolutely nothing, and yet I find it hysterical. You can go ahead

So once upon a time, DFS (I'm debating whether I should change it to DuFuS? Just because) Back to trying to sound mature, ahem.... I tried to be bold and I asked him on a date. We went up to temple square, by riding the tracks, and walked around. At one point he grabbed my hand and said, "Now I want you to know that I don't do this often. You should feel special because I hate holding hands, but I'm doing it for you." Now, had anyone else said this, I'd have been like, well fine! Don't hold my hand, see if I care. (Sometimes I take on the persona of a 7 yr. old) However since it was DFS, I actually found it sweet. I'd never really seen him like that; he actually seemed somewhat nervous if that's even possible for him. The evening proceeded without anything else noteworthy. We rode trax home which...I probably should have factored in MoTab concert traffic.... oh well! I guess you don't really mind when it's so crowded DFS' back is at the back of the train car.... and you conveniently end up in his arms for the duration of the 30 minute ride home. *cough*cough*It really wasn't my idea* Anyway, we just went and watched a movie till we decided to go home. I drove him home, he mocked my driving which wasn't entirely undeserved seeing as how I couldn't even get the key out of the ignition earlier....(it was my brother's car which had 4 wheel drive, it's my only defense!)

Now the story you've all been waiting for..... when I say "all" I mean CC and Freckles....
We pulled up at his house and he says, " well I guess now would be the time for me to kiss you..." Can I just remark upon how awkward I can be? Do I respond with a witty, confidently said, "yes I guess I'll let you," in the same sarcastic tone? Oh no.... I have to have a mind wipe and say, "If you want to?" in a mousy, quiet, and confused tone. Oh heavens...... we then have a short meaningless small talk that only exaggerates the fact that sometimes.... I need to KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT! Enjoy the moment, if you will. Then he opens the door and says, "well I guess I'll be leaving now..." He turns for a split second, and then swivels around as he shuts the door again. My heart starts leaping out of my chest as his hand pulls my face slowly towards his, just gently..... he leans in and kisses me. Might I add that he has the biggest lips I've ever seen on any white man at all? I mean really, I didn't think it'd matter, but it does. does. You haven't been kissed till you've been kissed by DFS. They almost... fold around yours. I can't tell if this is a good mental image or a gross one... but really it was a tender moment. We kissed a few times, and again my mind was.....blank except for me thinking constantly about how great this was because of his lips! Sometimes I can be such a...girl. As I drove away, I didn't even care that it was a snow storm outside or even that I had no idea what this meant was a great night. I let out a girlish squeal of delight, unfortunately out loud (I'm embarassed to admit) as I drove away. The End.
Are you happy now CC?

And this leaves me with the condition of getting excited at every vibration...just in case it's him. I've now checked my sent box and outbox just to make sure my last message sent..... that was a side note. I now can't even feel like I'm in the room when he's there until he's acknowledged me....why must I be so pathetic?

Six word:
Pathetic heart: just got a jumpstart

Here's to you CC

First off... what is with the snails? Does that look inviting at all? Does it have any relation to boys in general? They aren't all slugs..... I should amend that sentence: They aren't all slugs ALL the time? huh.... I'll work on it.

Well, it's been a while... obviously. So here's the run down: PV &J (ironic nickname given by another friend that's a guy) lasted 5 months... with only one break up in there, and we were only broken up for what? 3 days? Anyway....

So during the relationship, everything was great! It was like our hands were like puzzle pieces, they just fit. We'd be able to just sit quietly and yet leave like it was a great conversation. I didn't feel insecure when I was with him because, well.....I was too focused on the fact that I loved and adored him. Yes.... that's right, I loved him. I truly and sincerely believed that I was in love with him. Unfortunately, when you experience such a great've got to come down sometime. So, at the first break up.....

I thought we'd come to clear up some miscommunication or something. I figured our conversation would end on a relationship strengthening note. Ha. nice try Red Tulip, you were wrong yet again. As it turns out, he's here to stab a hidden dagger into your heart, twist it, and then do it over and over again as he tells you he loves you....he's just starting to lust after other girls. "It's nothing you've done! It's all me." Bull. He started crying. Oh my hell, okay so then I start crying. (Don't judge, my heart had just been shattered by a wrecking ball) As my tears slid silently down my face, the sobs started to build up. I couldn't tell if I wanted to stay with him or run as fast as I could, away. I didn't care where, just away from this pain, hurt, and anguish. I chose to stay. Why? Because the one person I wanted to comfort me -tell me it was all going to be okay, and that there are good things coming from this...! -yeah....he was right in front of me. I'd invested everything into this! Never had I put myself out there, no... never had I ever put my heart out there. Well, he comforted me sure... but it was a "we have to be friends. I can't lose you, I still love you." PV &J, do you fetching hear yourself? The sobs broke through the iron barrier I'd set up and I simply snapped. A few more words, and we parted ways.

Never had I ever felt so.... worthless, undesirable, and (I'd really like to swear here, because it seems appropriate....) crappy. These were things I'd never even thought I had a problem with! I was miserable to say the least. To make matters worse, he still called me. I saw the caller ID, and I couldn't not answer, I mean it was him. Him, who I'd let see a side of me no one else had, the person who, with one look could either cheer me up or tear me down. Small talk is really hard to come up with when it's just a ante-conversation for the after-break-up-talk.

Fast forward to 2 days later.

He calls me up, and leaves a voicemail. Something was wrong and I knew that just from his voice, a skill I'd aquired through out the past time that I hadn't even noticed passing. I called him back. He said everything my shriveled up heart wanted to hear. "I still love you, Everything was a mistake, I knew the moment I got in my car...." Words that were left meaningless as I tried to recall them to him a mere month later. We met up at the place we broke up....oh the irony of that spot. He was playing a song on the guitar, a song he'd wrote to express the pain he'd been feeling all weekend. I sat there awkwardly for the first time with him, and I didn't know what to do. He said everything I wanted to hear and more but now was the time.... get back together and relinquish my hold on everything I stood for? (I'm refering to Sparkle Lily's situation with TS. You just don't go back.) or.... wallow in my misery when everything that had made me happy for the past few months was sitting right in front of me. I felt like I needed to think, but the time to answer was now! What do you think I chose? It is after I made my decision that yes, we'll get back together, that he informs me of some of his activities throughout the past few days. Turns out he'd kissed another girl. Mind you, this is the girl he dumped me for? "I just needed someone to talk to, and I couldn't talk to you so...." Bull. Regardless, I must inform you that he lied to me about this multiple times. First story: They didn't kiss. Second story: We just kissed quick twice, it was like kissing a brick wall. Third story: Okay, so it wasn't short, but it wasn't a make out! Fourth, and final story: Yeah, we made out.

Don't ask me why I still went through with it. And no, I wasn't smart enough not to kiss him that day either.

Doesn't matter, because it only lasted another month.....a few days after homecoming. I didn't even cry in front of him that time. He sure did, but I stayed dry. (Same spot PS) And that is the story of PV&J. (Note: he comes from the post on prom in may? I think)

Here's my six word: He cried while breaking my heart.

(I'm putting a six word memoir with every post from now on, just for your information.)

I would also like to note that now he's the one being played by a girl who's currently playing 4 other guys... just saying.... go karma!


New to the Boy Blog?
Check out this Official Welcome Video, then The Manifesto here!

Monday, December 14, 2009

I forgot how much I like blogging about boys

My stories these days are funnier than they were a year ago and MUCH more G-rated. Forgive my previous promiscuity.

Story #1... From the mouth of a stranger.
I was walking down the hall to TV/Video Production a week or two ago feeling a little down on my appearance that day. I know, I know, beauty is only skin deep... a piece of wisdom, ladies... beauty might only be skin-deep, but ugly goes CLEAR TO THE BONE. It was amid this less-than-beautiful day that I heard the words "I love you" come from a young man near me. I didn't think he was talking to me. I looked over. Oh. He was talking to me. I gave him the most quizzical of all quizzical looks and paused. "And you look beautiful today," he quickly added. My quizzical look broke into a genuine, relieved smile. "Thank you!" I said gratefully. I walked into TV/Video Production feeling more confident than before. I'm telling you, it doesn't matter if it's a complete stranger. The words "I love you" and "you look beautiful" are the keys to success.

Story #2... I have a stalker.
He's half Mexican, half Italian. Racism aside, it's like a drug lord met the Mafia. I met him about a week ago at the school where I'm taking my medical assisting class. It started as a simple conversation. He was taking the EMT class with a friend of mine who sometimes comes into my classroom. I was helping them study for a test being my usual charming self. Maybe I should have been more alert on stalker-watch, but do I really have to act less charming to protect myself from the possible advances of stalkers? He didn't even seem to have stalker potential at first. I became suspicious for the first time when he used to words "Euphoria" to describe meeting me. I felt like I missed something important. He had my number. (Yes, I gave it to him. I thought he was a friend of a friend, OK?)

The next day, he was texting me asking when we were going to hang out. I explained that I had class that night (like most nights) until 9, plus a ton of homework, plus school early the next day. He replied with, "I was thinking about 8." I didn't bother texting him back. He had NO REASON to be at the school that night, but around 8, he wandered into my classroom. He asked me when I'd be done. "Um... I had an hour left of class." He sat next to me and TALKED TO ME while I tried to study for an hour. I told him I had homework. I said maybe we should do something another day. My subtle hints weren't getting through. When I went out to my car to leave, he followed me a little bit, then stayed at the curb. I started pulling out and he walked right up to my car. I assumed I'd forgotten something. I tried to roll down my window, but it was iced over. I put my car in park, which automatically unlocks the door. HE OPENED THE DOOR, SAT DOWN, AND ASKED, "So where are we going?"

Usually I'm really good in situations like that. Usually I would have the sense to tell him to get out of my car, I was going home. But I froze. I don't know that I've ever been so scared in my life of another person (with a few exceptions). I decided to play it cool, a tactic Peyton failed so miserably at when dealing with her stalker in One Tree Hill. "Well," I said smoothly, "I have to go grocery shopping." (LIE.) So I drove to Albertson's. There were a million questions in my head. Was I supposed to give him a ride home? Did he misunderstand the words "I have so much homework?" If THAT didn't deter him, shouldn't "I'm 17 and in high school," have done the trick? In Albertson's, I bought exactly one apple and a 3-hole punch. He wanted to know where we were going next. He suggested we go to Burger King to talk. I don't have ANY idea what he was thinking. Burger King's environment is not conducive to the wooing he might have deluded himself into believing he was doing. It was nearly closing. He didn't even buy any food. Instead, he chose a table in the back corner and told me about his job at the auto shop, his favorite video games, the car accident he got into a few month back. Then the cherry on top. He told me that I was the only person he talked to.

Oh. My. Stars. The warning bells were going crazy. I wanted to use an excuse, but my mind was blank. He already knew I didn't live at home and never had a curfew. I had nothing to tell this guy who apparently hadn't spoken to another human being in years and fell in love with the first girl to talk to him. I can decipher between lonely and just straight-up creepy, and this guy was just straight-up creepy. I was so scared, an emotion I feel rarely. Finally he agreed to leave Burger King, but wanted to keep driving around. It was thankfully only a minute or two later that my 12 year-old pseudosister EAS (those of you who know my living situation understand who I'm talking about) called me to find out where I was and when I'd be home. We have a code that means "Tell me to come home." When we say the weather is bad, it means get me out of here. If it's good, it means that we're having a good time.

EAS: Who are you with?
CC: A friend... But the weather is bad. Or, at least the roads are.
EAS: *blank expression. obviously didn't catch on.* So... when are you going to be home?
CC: I don't know, when do you want me home? (A little more forcefully that time.)
EAS: Let me ask my mom... (MOOOOOM! When do you want CC home?)...... She says she wants you home now since you were up all night.
CC: Oh I'm so sorry! I'll be there as soon as possible!

Can I just say that my pseudomom has NEVER enforced a curfew on me EVER? I was so grateful I started LAUGHING after I dropped Stalker off at his car. There's so much more creepiness. Unsettling texts. Incessant phone calls. I feel a little cautious all the time. Now I'm about to head off to my class hoping he's not WAITING FOR ME IN THE PARKING LOT (which he would TOTALLY do). Seriously, I don't know what to tell him. I said I liked someone else. His response? "I'm going to keep bugging you anyway because I like you." There is determination, and there is obsession. He crossed the line.

Story #3... Yet another confession of love. I must make one hell of an impression.
I had been left at church by my usually-chaotic pseduofamily on Sunday (yesterday). I had no ride, so I was mingling with a woman I knew for thirty minutes hoping she'd offer me a ride. A guy I know from school (who I've spoken to a grand total of five times counting today) heard me say I had no ride. We'll call him Shawn Jeltzer for the sake of the story. He offered me a ride. I gladly accepted. The snow was a foot deep outside and I didn't want to walk. There was small talk exchanged in the car until out of the blue, he threw out "I sort of have a crush on you." And I'm feeling like the conversation just went, "Yeah I liked my sixth grade teacher too, and I don't play basketball very well, and I had math with him last year, and I sort of have a crush on you, and I love snow too, and..." My tried and true reaction to such a statement? "You're a sweetheart. Well, this is where I live! Thanks for the ride!"

Boys are ridiculous. That is all.

Yes Girls ~ The Challenge

Rules: Say YES to everything
with the following exceptions-

1. If it goes against your morals/beliefs in any way (i.e. you find it offensive or questionable, if it makes you feel guilty or uncomfortable, even if it's just a one time thing).

2. If it conflicts with something better/necessary/urgent (i.e. you can't be in two places at once; prioritize).

3. If it sounds stupid, it is stupid. Don't do anything you would regret the next day/month/year (HINT: If you wouldn't feel comfortable telling your girlfriends about it, it's probably a bad idea).

Three simple rules to keep you in check as you embark on the
Adventure of a Lifetime.

Every time you say yes, even if you have your doubts, something will happen to make it worth your while. Try it out.

(Authors note: This is not some cheesy forward I got off an email; this is an experiment I tried this summer. It was the best summer of my life.)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

oh the DRAMA!

Hello everyone! this is my first post since the boy blog has been up and running again. i am so freaking excited and i have much to say.... last summer was boring. altho a certain person we will call J.H. told me he liked me. that all great and everything except for the fact i had no feelings for him whatsoever. he moved on and we stayed best friends until football season when he started dating this cheerleader. it really pissed me off. i started to have feeling for him, or so i thought, so i told him i liked him and he basically dumped the other chick and told me he never stopped liking me. SCORE!!! anyways it was fun and all until a week later when he kissed me and sad to say i felt nothing I REPEAT NOTHING! i feel awful saying this but you know how you feel that great feeling in the pit of your stomach... no that definitely wasn't there. very sad. i tried to ignore it for a while but you can only ignore something like that for so long. when your thinking about how much better this other guy --T.S. -- is at kissing while your kissing your boyfriends and how you would really like to kiss T.S. right now, you know you should probably break up with him... so i did... very sad the next night i hung out with T.S. and he told me he liked me ugh! --- here is the side story this is the same T.S. who has cheated on me dozens of times. --that night we laid on his brothers bed listening to Damien Rice with the lights off... it was so hard not to kiss him! i knew i shouldn't because one i just broke up with J.S. and we were still going threw that "maybe we could work it out" stage although i knew there was no hope. and two i didn't want to give him what he wanted because i knew what was on his mind.
So now i am stuck in this situation. me and J.S. are pretty good although he is still a little bitter because all i told him when i broke up with him was that "i wasn't feeling it anymore" which was true i just didn't tell him i never did. and me and T.S. went to a movie last night and cuddled. what do i do?!?! i cant go back to the loser who has cheated on me a billion times! but what you need to understand is that i have never been so attracted to someone. i don't know if this is normal but i seriously get that feeling in my stomach when i just stand by him... imagion kissing him! it so annoying! well ill let you know what happens next in my pathetic life haha... later


oh and just as an fyi this is the same T.S. who gave me the giant down comforter which i still have haha.... if you forgot look under 2009-march-The breakup ... finally... it will tell the whole story :)