Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dating Younger Guys...?

Now as graduates we face a dilemma...

To date younger guys, or not to date younger guys.

What if he's really cute and sweet blue eyed blonde sexy man but a year younger and your graduated and hes a senior...I mean we've already recycled all the guys our age, and I feel like were a lot more mature now that we're out of high school so maybe we can deal with the drama better?

It would probably never work because you're off to college and hes still in the "mature" state of a senior boy. Perhaps a summer fling?
Just wondering what your opinions are...

6 word: the game is on Lady Cougars
(: were not going to BYU for nothin...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Three woman I wish I was more like

Coco Chanel: honsetly could've cared less about what anyone had to say about her and her taste of fashion. She was often ridiculed for her clothing sketeches and constantly attacked for her structured and clean designs. But her determination quickly made her the most suave, coveted, and high-fashion women of the world. She is independent from others thoughts.
Crystal Renn: A knobby size-zero anorexic to a volumputously curved size twelve plus size model, Crystal Renn has the confidence of a mythological Goddess and the body that every classical painter's dreamed about. She loves her curves, each and every one of them. She not only beat anorexia but is now on a world-wide tour to promote healthy eating and body images. She is physically and emotionally confident.

Billie Holiday: Her voice could hush a room instantly and move people to tears. She could paint colors onto the silence Her vocals, like her style and conduct, was classic and unmatched. She sang about everything- oppression, heartache, being rich, being poor, falling in love, shooting for the moon, and living for herself. She is original and genuine.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

nothing short of...


I am spinning on someone elses axis and nauseous with things I don't have.

I've tried everything (flip my hair, bat my eyes, gloss my lips, touch his arm, laugh at everything, be obnoxiously vulnerable, wear tight clothing, giggle, cry, pout).

And yet,

I still find myself going home

I wish I had a guy to guide me to my car when I'm lost in the parking lot of Wal-Mart.
I wish I had a guy who would call me when it rains and say "let's go puddle jumping!"
I wish I had a guy that would come to my work soley so we could exhange book recommendations.
I wish I had a guy who would tell me to stop pestering with my looks because he thought I looked beautiful to him.
I wish I had a guy who would show me how to throw a frisbee better and how to make the perfect spaghetti sauce.
I wish I had a guy who sincerely cared about what was in my head, what I thought, and who I wanted to be.
I wish I had a guy who could drive me crazy when we argued but made me crazier when he would kiss me to shut me up.
But who knows.
My eyes are sore from looking,
my hands are chaffed from holding on.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dried Tears

I never cry these days; it's like I've grown out of it. They make fun of girls by asking guys, "When did you last cry?" and there response is something to the effect of fifth grade. Meanwhile, us poor unfortunate girls have an answer similar to last week, a few days ago, and sometimes.... last night. It truly is unfortunate that most of our emotions are tied to tears. We cry when we're happy, sad, frightened, mad, livid, hurt, surprised, or even when we have Pissed at Men Syndrome. (Why yes, I did just make a Last Song reference.) However, I'm not entirely like this. You see, my tears refuse to come out until breaking point. Normally, I'd say it takes a lot for me to cry, except for once it's been built up...something ridiculously little will set me off. I tribute this to the fact that everytime I cry, I'm always tired and hungry. Regardless, I found myself in near soundless sobs sprawled out on my bedroom floor. Okay so sprawled might have turned into hugging myself listening to the same song over and over and over and over again. But my pathetic situation is unimportant. The purpose of this post is merely to... well I haven't quite figured that out yet. It comes down to....please let graduation come soon!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lady Gaga Is My Idol

Let's have a talk you and me. Right now. Let's put aside the fact that she is probably a hermaphrodite. I'm glad we got that out of the way. Now let's move on.

Would you ever try to get in a fight with Lady Gaga? NO FOOL! You would run away in fear.

Would you ever want to get between Lady Gaga and her man? NO! She would probably skin you alive and use it for her next music video outfit, and eat your leftovers for breakfast.

I apologize to BadABeyonce right now (because i just realized that this is just like her Beyonce post) for almost shamelessly copying her tribute to the honorable and equally kick A woman, Beyonce, but I just couldn't help myself.

Lady Gaga is a freak genious who eminates the totally cliche phrase "GIRL POWER" but in a whole new way. Needless to say everytime my ex comes up to me and puts on his prince charming smile and starts oozing out buckets of charm, the words to alejandro pop into my head, and I feel like kicking him where it counts and strutting away.

Lady Gaga should be the soundtrack of my life.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Why! Just when I'm over you why do you always start talking to me again! No, ill never go back. You can count on that. In fact, write it down and remind me. You're right. I am jealous that you have a girlfriend (you lying sack of....) so it would really be nice if the occasional conversations we have weren't about her. Thank you, for not texting back when I told you the real reason I can't wait to graduate is to get over you and move on. That is exactly what I intend to do so have fun in your dead end relationship with someone still in high school. Loser.
Wake up! I know its never going to work out for us because you're a just friends type of guy (and I'm OK with that... sorta) and also because you're head over heels for the woman but really, stop wasting your time on her! She's playing you like a pro! It's so obvious. I wish you could see it and would realize that there's someone else who really likes being one of the guys, but would love having a chance with you! If not, that's just fine and I'll still be happy to help you with her games. Thanks for helping me get over him, wether you know you have or not.

Warning! (I know for a fact that there are males that know the URL. Don't ask who what when where why or how but its the same that's always causing trouble. Just putting that out there! In fact he'll probably read this. Hello.)

I decided I'd try it out---

6 word: Find me with your bright eyes.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Notes To Self

Dear Self,
Oh my heavens... we've been through this before! Stop waiting around, and move on! He has one of those things that makes him know what I'm talking about....a girlfriend! Yeah, now you remember. Well sparky, what are you going to do now? I'm pretty sure waiting on him is a waste of your time, actually I know it is. Also, if you could please stop with the whole... liking one of your ex's again...that's old stuff too. It leaves us feeling confused and all that jazz. I'm certain that things will clear up, if you follow my orders.
Yours truly,

Dear Self,
Your sappy attitude while watching other people fall in love in chick flicks is nauseating. Life is not a movie! Music doesn't que up when life's moments most need it. Nor are your actions scripted out, so you know what to do. You're wrong, there aren't a series of cute moments, one right after the other, after you fall for someone. As a matter of fact, you've got to play your own music in your car while driving away disappointed with your day. You've got to make your own choices, and hope it works out for the best. Those cute moments happen on a rare day, and is filled with disappointment in between. -If at all. Therefore, stop watching Disney and other chick flicks.

Dear Self,
Snap out of it. If this was anyone else, you'd be laughing at how pathetic they are.
With Love,

six word: Of course it's not easy anymore...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

the 7 truths (since Karen has a thing with 7s)

dear _____:

here are the 7 relationship truths about me:

1-as much as I'm trying to avoid and show it, I am a romantic. I enjoy the rush, the burn, the high of being attracted to someone else. I get starry eyed when I hear a love song, queezy when I watch a chick flick, and twitter-patted when the feelings start.

2- I am a passive person. If I am mad at you, you probably will never know. I will try my hardest to make sure things between us are peachy keen and full of rainbows and butterflies. But inside my emotions are probably eating me alive.

3- I am not high maintenance! Despite all the other attention-seeking, emotionally-draining girls you have dated I am a basic girl. I am attracted to simplicity. I do not enjoy complications and complex things. It either is, or it isn't. You either have or you don't have. You either do, or you don't.

4- I'm odd (if you hadn't noticed yet). My bedroom is littered with dyi books, horror novels, and vogue magazines. I sing at the top of my lungs in the car. I make things more awkward then they need to be. I tend to dress like a boy. I procrastinate. My humor's a litte off. I'd rather play video games, etc.

5- I am a jealous creature. Probably more than I am willing to admit in a blog post.

6- If you are going to spoil me, spoil me by spending time with me. I have a problem where if you're out of sight, you are out of mind. If you are physically there, how can I possibly forget about you?

7- I am just as oblivious as you are. What goes through your head? What do you think about me? I am always wishing you would give me somewhat of a hint.

Sincerely confused,
