There are a few simple rules I feel like we must recall concerning friends and boys.

1. If she likes him first (or even just says she does first), you don't like him, flirt with him, look at him, or even think about him.
2. Don't participate in any form of PDA in front of your friends; it's annoying.
3. If he's her "sort of boyfriend," don't kiss him. If he claims they aren't together, ask around. You can't trust him on this.
4. If he breaks her heart, break his face.
5. If he cheats on her, elbow him really hard right after he eats a ton of Cafe Rio. (Be careful on this one; he might not ever let you in his house again.)
6. If she "hates" him, but you can tell she secretly is in love with him, DON'T ask her to admit it until she's good and ready, or until she's crying on your bed at 3 AM asking why she isn't happy.
7. If she says she's over him, but you can tell she isn't, DON'T think you have a chance. And DON'T push her to admit she's not over him.
8. Friends don't let friends *re-date.
9. If he sticks his tongue down her throat without permission, grab a golf club and meet him at the park across the street from his house. Bring reinforcements.
10. If you know he's trouble and she won't listen, make sure to be there when the prodigal girl returns, her lesson learned. You'll only alienate her by trying to control her. And most girls like that "trouble" thing anyway.
11. If your friends are telling you he's trouble, you might want to listen. Seriously, folks.
12. If she has just broken up with her boyfriend and is trying to date other people and she really needs you to find a date to double with and go with her, DO IT.
13. Be understanding if your friend can't find a date to double with you.
14. A good lesson from kindergarten... if she says she likes him, don't tell her he picks his nose. She won't forget it. Ever.
15. If she wants to tell you every detail of last night's make-out session, listen. Laugh when appropriate.
16. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
17. If she needs you, and you can tell she needs you, drop the boy like a hot potato and be there for your friend!
18. Don't date her brother. She will not approve.
19. Try not to tell too many guys about the Boy Blog. Too many boys and girls reputations could be ruined.
20. Love your friends and stand by them ALWAYS, especially when they're wrong!
*Re-date: the act of dating a guy after already having broken up one or more times

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