Because talking about them isn't enough...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My Life is Boring
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Red Tulip
So... his name is Matt. We've been friends since 8th grade, and he's the type of guy you call a man... well a man whore for lack of a better term. Anyway, he asked me on a date. Now, I didn't get too excited, because you could tell it was definitely a "I'm-reluctant-to-go-on-this-because-there-won't-be-ANYONE-cool-there-so-I-asked-you" type of date. Which I'm okay with, because these types of dates always have the best stories! (Such as this).
Anyway, so he picks me up, and we go to this kids house. We were there with two other couples, all of which seemed to have a higher IQ than me, times ten. We played some bored games, all of which me and Matt would just mess around with. So I'm thinking... Well, at least we're making this fun! Because really, it was awkward.
Continuing, we moved on to the Clue DVD game. It was... fun, whatever. Moving on, they decided to watch Monk. It was only an hour long, so I'm thinking... yes, I just might have time to go hang out with someone else...
YES Matt, yes I am ready to go.
So, to skip over the boring parts... he kept taking "accidental" wrong turns to my house. Then proceeded to hold my hand, try to kiss me at a stop sign, and then say how much he liked me. (Yeah....right) By the time we made it to my house, he was set on kissing. Which, I couldn't decide if I wanted to or not. Sure, I wanted to kiss (who wouldn't?) but not him. It just seemed... gross.
Regrets? Sure, I should've just kissed him like CC would've. But I didn't, so I'm over it.
The End.
The "It's Just Hormones" Theory Proved Wrong
This tale really should begin before I had a date at all. I'd been planning to ask this kid from my seminary class. As we were leaving seminary I was walking to catch up with him when his girlfriend, yes, his girlfriend, hopped up and held his hand. That could have been a very awkward situation.
So still wanting a date I didn't know well, but feeling a little desperate, I was surprised when Bad A Beyonce found me the next day and said "You should ask Brad to MORP!" first thought: "how long have you guys been going out, again?" I just laughed and told her she must be kidding. But you see, Bad A's mom has forbidden their relationship to continue so taking him to MORP wasn't happening. Ten minutes later she'd texted me his number and told me that he was excited to go. oh.
I'd planned on treating Brad like a brother. Or just a friend's boyfriend.
Even through text he was really optimistic about everything.(7 points) Bowling was a success. Brad was really good...mmm... but he had an amazing balance between being humble about it while not putting himself down.. (6 points) He smelled good.(4 points) He makes one feel as though he's never thought of himself before and only the comfort of others. When he went to use the bathroom, he actually said "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back." before leaving me... whoa. who's his mother? (7 points)
Even though it was a girls' choice dance he opened every door for me. (5 points) At dinner at Kevin's house, he pulled out my chair for me. (8 points) Then asked if I wanted lemonade and grabbed my glass that I'd forgotten about. (6 points) He told me I looked pretty (or something to that effect) after dinner when I put CC's huge black bow in my hair. (10 points) He never once said anything even slightly demeaning to anyone. Not even in a joking way. So polite. Saying 'excuse me' and 'thank you' even when it might not be necessary. But not in an overwhelming or annoying way. Just casually. (9 points)
At the end of the date I walked him to his door. So he says "Did you have a good time?" Yet again focusing on anyone but himself. (5 points) I awkwardly shook his hand. Hey, don't mock. I was not about to even consider hugging Bad A Beyonce's boyfriend. Not to mention I'm not the "free love, hugging" type. He took that in stride. (4 points)
This whole time I was trying so hard to be super optimistic and energetic and enthusiastic because I was worried about him being uncomfortable or miserable. Mostly I felt inadequate. And highly undeserving.
At the end of this all, I came to an unexpected conclusion. I actually expected myself to be utterly smitten with him in every way. To be honest, I'm not. What I mean is that "It's just hormones" idea never came into play. I never felt that. Yes I was impressed with his supreme gentleman like behavior and his balance between seeming perfection and terrific quirks. But I don't feel like I have a "crush" on him. I feel more like I'd rather just be great friends and get to know him more. The whole spend-time-with-people-who-have-traits-you-want-to-adopt idea...
Is that why I feel unhappy? I think I'd be more normal feeling if I had a big hormonal crush on him haha. But when all I want is to have a new guy friend that doesn't like me (Swede...), it's somehow unsatisfying to know that it's not really plausible. We might say 'hi' now, but hanging out? Yeah right. Bad A Beyonce set up the date, but that does not mean that she would be chipper with me if I attempted some sort of friendship. haha. mm. I feel selfish. self centered. 'tis time to do something for somebody else.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Goings On in California - Part 2
My Response to Sparkle's Break-Up

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Goings On in California - Part 1
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Break-Up... FINALLY!
Basically it all started last Friday night. He was being a total jerk and so was I and we were kind of already in a fight so… us not getting a long on Friday made it worse. At 12:00 when I got home for curfew I was too upset to go to bed so I turned on Step Up. I have no idea why, it just sounded good… probably because I couldn’t find The Notebook which is what I usually watch when I am depressed.
Back to the situation… I really want to be friends, but he doesn't. We’ve hung out once since then so clearly its possible to be friends. I just have to prove this to him. And yes, I do still like him and probably will until I find my future husband. Sadly we just can't be together until he learns how to treat a girl…
I guess there just isn't anymore love around us hahahhhahah... RIP to the great TS.
All Figured Out
I'll post the break-up story soon.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Booty Call Boyfriend
With that love quotes post I really like Freckles' quote… its sooooo true.
Like honestly think about it… sick but true! Thanks for putting it into perspective!
I think I need some serious this-guy-is-so-not-worth-it talk…
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Can't We Just Say, "Hi, I Find You Attractive. Would You Like to Find a Secluded Corner With Me?"
Friday, March 13, 2009
7 Quotes I Love (About Love): CC
1. “Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra when suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.” –Matt Groening
2. “We’re all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with outs, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” –Anonymous (but I got it from a little plaque at my brother’s psychologist’s office)
3. “Because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought – useless and disappointing.” –A Cinderella Story
4. “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove. O no! It is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken.” –Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116
5. “It’s just hormones.” –Freckles
6. “Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage.” –Ambrose Bierce
7. “Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” –Albert Einstein
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hickey Story! Continued...
Post more and more posts ladies! I'm glad people are getting back into it instead of just me and CC. :D
Story: If you've read my hickey story, then you know about my sex talk. So Dustin's mom heard about it and had a talk with him. This is somewhat of how it went (from what Dustin told me their conversation went. I wasn't there.)
Dustin's ma: You guys are getting pretty serious
Dustin: uh. Sure..?
Dustin's ma: I'm going to have to buy you more condoms.
(She bought him a box of condoms last year when we first started going out and said, "I'm not giving you permission... but just in case.")
Dustin: Wow. Okay.
Dustin's ma: Have you guys had sex?
Dustin: Hell no, mom. Not everyone is like you and has sex and gets pregnant young and traps the guy into marrying you, gets divorced, and re-married, to the same guy, for doing the same thing all over again. We aren't stupid.
Dustin's ma: Dustin don't be such an a**.
.... and the conversation continues but it becomes irrelevant.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hello Sparkle Lily
I am new.
My name is Sparkle Lily.
I have been cheated on over 10 times.
That is not a lie.
Guys are gay.
Old Poetry That Just Depressed Me Now
Air that does not carry your scent may fill my lungs, but I still grasp for breath.
No taste brings me pleasure.
No note awakens my ear,
and the warmth of human touch will ever fail to thaw my heart,
untill that sweet day,
lifetimes away,
that I will again touch you
hear you
kiss you
breathe you
and watch
as your ice-blue eyes once again force light into my life.
Girl Rules

6 AM
If someone one day were to dissect me, I have the feeling that it would reveal that I'm only an inch deep, and that the rest of the space inhibiting my admittedly narrow body is just a vacuum. It's how I've felt lately. Not tonight.
There are days and nights, when I've been alone for too long, that I can't seem to stop myself from falling back into the deep recesses of my inner void and tapping into the emotional well that I've worked so hard to bury these past few weeks. Once I'm there, there's no stopping the tidal waves of salt water that force themselves in trails down my cheeks. I'm grateful the wall between CC and I is thick enough to to drown out my cries and allow her an uninterrupted sleep.
The thought continuously occurs to me that I should pray for comfort.
I never do.
I'm not speaking to God right now; it's not Him, it's me.
Besides, I need to feel this way. It's my only release from being the inch-deep psychological anomaly that is my persona in the daylight. I allow myself a constant stream of meaningless distractions that sometimes lasts the entire day and following night, sometimes not.
I seek simple amusements to fill my day and my mind, my eyes and my ears. My brain and heart don't get any input. They just don't. As for feelings, I am allowed one single inch of depth. I learn to just ignore the ugliness that I carry around with me wherever I go, no matter how far I walk, how long I drive, who I talk to or how very many distractions I seek out like a heroin addict does, well, heroin.
And if I bleed, I bleed knowing he may care,
but if I sleep, I sleep to dream of him,
but wake without him there.
because I used to have someone that knew me better than I knew myself, and even when we were separated by thousands of miles, at my lowest moments, I could feel that closeness that no distance ever severed. And I could hold the letters he wrote to me and feel his love seep into me through my eyes and through my fingertips. And I was never, really, alone.
And I know that right this very moment I could get in my car, drive for twenty minutes, knock on his door, and he would hold me like nothing has changed, like the beautiful sun I've revolved around all these years hasn't gone and left me spinning alone in this darkness. And for a little while I could convince myself that if two people really love each other, and they're trying their best to do what's right, and they're selflessly trying to serve the other, that they can be together.
But they can't, and I don't know why.
I don't know anything anymore.
He's not really gone, I just can't have him. And now all I have is the vacuum. The void, the well, the ocean, the inch....
But it only hurts when I'm breathing.
My heart only breaks when it's beating.
My dreams only die when I'm dreaming
so I hold my breath
to forget
and it only hurts when I breath.
Monday, March 9, 2009
If My Life Were A Novel, I Probably Wouldn't Read It
I blasted "Boys of Summer" through the window so she wouldn't get, like, bored or whatever.
When I got there, I vaguely noticed some paper taped to the front door. I read it when I left and was amused to read, "Notice #2: The boys of this house must return home immediately after school each day and must remain in the house - without friends - until all No grades, D's, and F's are corrected." There was another paper on the door that I assumed was notice #1. I didn't read it.
When I got in, the first thing I noticed was that the doorway into the kitchen was a brick archway. I know, awesome. I think I said so. I can't tell you what the second thing I noticed was because I didn't happen to be carrying a notepad and pen.
Anyway, sometime after I had finished noticing the first two or more things, I was introduced to the ever so friendly mother, who began with telling me how beautiful she found me (which, naturally, endeared me to her faster than if she had just vowed to donate both her kidneys to my dying first-born child), and then explained to me how unfortunate it was that I had only just missed the fashion show their family had put on consisting of some Already-Been-Loved clothes sent to them by their highly eccentric far away aunt "EVILeen." I immediately liked them better for having an eccentric relative (it would have been best if they had been the family eccentricities, of course, but I guess that's not their fault).
The more time I spent in that house, the more I liked it. You know in those books where they're talking about some place that just feels like home the moment you set foot in it, with that homey atmosphere and warmth and every crevice just oozing of perfect, familial content, or that scene in those movies where the young, attractive lead character walks in for the first time and the oh-so mellow background music starts up and they're just watching everything and the air is filled with laughter and fun and closeness and the jello looks way too much like old cheese and everything is right in the world? And you're watching and your only reaction is 'Hm,' because you didn't even bother thinking about it because places like that don't even exist? Well they do. And they're kind of like this house. You know, kind of.
In any case, I really liked it. I liked it even more when I sat on the couch and saw the greenish-pink-yellowish pillow moving out of the corner of my eye, and I turned and found that I had plopped down inches away from a giant iguana named Gandhi who, it turns out, is not, in fact, a pillow. It was love at first sight. I've finally found my Rebound.
The night continued. I got to explain how I was now living with CC because my parents kicked me out of the house for being out past my ten o'clock curfew and then leaving the house the next day even though I was grounded for being out past my ten o-clock curfew. Later, in between moments of pressing myself tightly against whatever latest object was hindering my attempt to get an arms length between myself and my newest acquaintance, Rex, as in "how many times can I rhyme my name with sex" Rex, I got to explain to the overly curious, touchy, speedo-attired high schoolboy all about how Matt and I had met when I was twelve, had a crush on each other, been best friends for two years, been broken up by my parents for three years which he spent seriously dating one of my best friends, met by chance in the street one night when I was seventeen, started dating, wrote to each other all through his mission, got engaged, planned a wedding, paid for a wedding, cancelled said wedding three days before the wedding, and then broke up. All the while avoiding any actual eye contact with a boy who was practically sitting on my lap the entire time.
And then when I went downstairs and saw this boy James, who used to go to my school.
It was weird, but cool. His hair is all blond now, like mine, and his voice got really deep. Like mine.
Yep, pretty crazy.
Crazy day.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Dear Jack
(Disclaimer: This isn't true. I was just having a boring Saturday night and this sort of just happened. Then I read it and actually liked it.)
Dear Jack,
I know Britt broke your heart. I’m sure she’s a real wench. But come on, man. That was TWO YEARS AGO. Move on – I’m sure she has. As for talking to me about her, you really need to stop. I am showing you an unusual level of patience for your pathetic past. We all have loads of baggage, so you need to learn to stop carrying yours everywhere. Buy a pack mule or something.
Also, would you stop being so gosh-darn sensitive to my feelings? Your ability to tell something is bothering me through a two-word text is astonishing. You obviously have a gift, and it is creepy. Next time you get that “something’s wrong” vibe, remember what I do when you tell me you’re not doing so great; I apologize for my lack of sympathy and move on. You should really learn to do that.
Oh, another thing, Dr. Phil. What was that “I know you want to feel love but you’re scared” crap you tried to give me the other night? Who do you think you are? I already warned you a number of times about what a heartless wench I am. And do you remember what you said to me anyway? “You’re scared to get attached because you’re worried they’ll leave. Why haven’t you learned to give people a try? They might be exactly what you need.” And I tried to shrug it off, I told you I was fine. And you said, “No you’re not! Listen to yourself.” And even when I stopped talking, you had the audacity to ask me if I’m happy. How dare you ask me that? What are you trying to prove? I told you the cold, hard truth: I don’t have to be happy, I just have to be right. What you answered, or just the fact that you answered at all, made me laugh: “That’s the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life.” Jack, I truly hate you. Stop analyzing my already screwy mind. It’s twisted beyond repair and it should just take early retirement in Sun City, Florida.
I think it’s only fair to tell you a few things I’ve been refraining from saying. First, you aren’t really a ninja and I DO mock you behind your back. Second, you are probably not going to ever join the CIA and you should start to explore other options. Your dreams were cute, though. Third, you need braces. Fourth, why are you taking a creative writing class if you hate writing? Are you retarded?
That’s all I can think of for now.
CC Lemondrop
P.S. I’m not going to “live a little and give a chance to let my heart get broke.” That’s one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard. Oh, and it’s broken, not broke, you moron.