What are the 7 worst things about boys?
1. Shallow. most definitely
2. They fight just because they get bored. it's ludicrous.
3. They don't understand us.
4. They can't take a hint.
5. They push and push with some things 'till you want to punch them in the face!
6. They try to impress you but really they just make fools of themselves.
7. most of them act different with you, like all cute and what not. Then with their friends they are total dicks to you. ugh.
What are the 7 best things about boys?
1. hmmm... they can usually make you smile.
2. they sometimes can do spontaneous cute things.
3. they can "protect" you.
4. Most are pretty content with doing anything you want to do.
5. Most, if you don't want a commitment, agree with you. no arguments. :P
6. they smell yummy :) in most cases...
7. ha. I think I'm having just as a hard time as CC did on this... They. can do cute little things without realizing how much it means.
Who are the 7 boys you've liked most in your life? (starting with Junior High)
1. Colten J. (7th)
2. Colton B.(8th) who is now gay I just found out. heh.3. Spenny(8th or 9th?)4. Brandon(9th)5. Eythan(summer after 9th)6. Dustin(10th&11th)
7. Ross(just recently. heh)
Who are your 7 greatest present or past "celebrity crushes?"
1. Johnny Depp

2. Adam Brody

3. Benjamin Mckenzie

4. Chase Crawford (I'm keepin' this one Quetlin :P)

5. Joe Anderson
6. Logan Marshall-Green

7.Chad Michael Murray

If you were a guy, what 7 girls would you have a crush on? (They can be friends, acquaintances, celebrities...)1. uhh.. Yeah this is a weird question. uh. Rachel Bilson. She's really pretty. actress
2. Jordan. Pretty and funny. A lot of guys like her. ha
3. Colton B's sister.
4. oh man... Sara Chappel. She's so cute. ha ha ha
5. If I were a gay guy I would like Colton B. ha ha. Because he is gay so it would work out.
6. someone else
7. and someone else... heh. I'm a cheater.
What are the 7 worst things about boys?
5. Joe Anderson
7.Chad Michael Murray