Because talking about them isn't enough...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Boyfriends at Christmastime
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Things do NOT Change in College
Story time. So I finally got up the nerve yesterday to ask this guy if I could study with him for our math final. Here's the lowdown on him. He's really wierd, shy, and not "attractive" in the shallow sense of the word. So I figured I might have a chance of SOMETHING... But oh the horror... We meet up at the library like we planned, and I'm looking fabulous(but not overly so.) And ALL he talks about is how much he misses his ex-girlfriend who left last year. I was put off, but I thought that I would push forward anyway. After a good hour and a half of math I told him I needed to go to my roommates art opening at the humanities building. I said that he should come because he should take a break. And sadly enough I'm not so good at being natural and casual, so it was painfully obvious what I was tryin to do. He looked at me awkwardly for a second before saying that he should probably study some more. We parted, and I did NOT look back. I was humiliated. The only consolation is that only have to see him one more time before the class ends for the semester.
So now late at night the question that I'm pondering is when will my life take a turn for the better. Namely, when will it include boys?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
7 Things About Crushes: Rainbow
What are the 7 worst things about boys?
1. Shallow. most definitely
2. They fight just because they get bored. it's ludicrous.
3. They don't understand us.
4. They can't take a hint.
5. They push and push with some things 'till you want to punch them in the face!
6. They try to impress you but really they just make fools of themselves.
7. most of them act different with you, like all cute and what not. Then with their friends they are total dicks to you. ugh.
What are the 7 best things about boys?
1. hmmm... they can usually make you smile.
2. they sometimes can do spontaneous cute things.
3. they can "protect" you.
4. Most are pretty content with doing anything you want to do.
5. Most, if you don't want a commitment, agree with you. no arguments. :P
6. they smell yummy :) in most cases...
7. ha. I think I'm having just as a hard time as CC did on this... They. can do cute little things without realizing how much it means.
Who are the 7 boys you've liked most in your life? (starting with Junior High)
1. Colten J. (7th)
2. Colton B.(8th) who is now gay I just found out. heh.3. Spenny(8th or 9th?)4. Brandon(9th)5. Eythan(summer after 9th)6. Dustin(10th&11th)
7. Ross(just recently. heh)
Who are your 7 greatest present or past "celebrity crushes?"
1. Johnny Depp

2. Adam Brody

3. Benjamin Mckenzie

4. Chase Crawford (I'm keepin' this one Quetlin :P)

5. Joe Anderson
6. Logan Marshall-Green

7.Chad Michael Murray

If you were a guy, what 7 girls would you have a crush on? (They can be friends, acquaintances, celebrities...)1. uhh.. Yeah this is a weird question. uh. Rachel Bilson. She's really pretty. actress
2. Jordan. Pretty and funny. A lot of guys like her. ha
3. Colton B's sister.
4. oh man... Sara Chappel. She's so cute. ha ha ha
5. If I were a gay guy I would like Colton B. ha ha. Because he is gay so it would work out.
6. someone else
7. and someone else... heh. I'm a cheater.
What are the 7 worst things about boys?
5. Joe Anderson
7.Chad Michael Murray
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Consider This When Choosing Friends
My school’s 80’s dance was about a week ago. It is nigh unto impossible to describe how fun it was to get ready for it. Of course, its “funness level” was diminished when two of my best friends - (ahem, Wanda and Ginger), did not dress up. (FYI: “I was just too busy today” translates into “I wouldn’t be caught dead in those yellow spandex or 4-inch bangs”). Wanda's friend Marigold was stranded at the dance until she convinced Wanda to take her to Purple Turtle to meet some other friends who could give her a ride home. I was invited to go with the three lovely girls, and I agreed, naturally forgetting I was the only one in 80’s apparel.
Ginger, Wanda and Marigold. We are talking about three of the most beautiful girls to ever grace the planet with their presence. I’m not just saying that to enhance the story. These girls are seriously intensely gorgeous. And because Marigold is Marigold, her friends waiting at Purple Turtle were boys. Five of them. Excellent.
Luckily for me, I was ignorant of the wonderful situation I was getting myself into. And to add a cherry on top of the delightful outing, we had a confrontation (sort of) with one of my favorite people. Here is that experience: As we jetted over to Purple Turtle in Wanda's adorable little grandma car, a white truck pulled to the left of us. It was, (naturally), full of boys. I have a bad habit of forgetting when I should duck my head to hide my turquoise eyeshadow, so in classic CC style, I shifted my eyes sneakily to the boy in the passenger’s seat of the truck. A moment later, the truck fell behind us, then proceeded to pull to our right side. It was at this point when we could see the driver, who was such a darling gentleman, he flipped us off. A car full of, with the exception of the hag in the backseat wearing 80’s garb, beautiful girls. Why did he do that? Because it was Jaun Madly. Always a pleasure, Jaun, always a pleasure.
I was still tripping a little bit by the time we arrived at Purple Turtle, which is possibly why I got out of the car with Ginger, Wanda and Marigold. As I stood next to the lovely purple restaurant, shivering, waiting for Aubrey to get in the boy’s car so we could leave, I realized something that immediately brought a smile to my face.
Whenever I see a group of boys, especially where the majority of them are obviously attractive, I pick out the cutest. By pure, sick instinct, I also pick out the less attractive among them, or to be quite frank, “the ugly ones.” Well, if boys are anything like girls, which they aren’t, then I had just been dubbed “the ugly one.” I told Ginger my thoughts, and Ginger, being Ginger, hit me and told me I was ridiculous. I continued to tell her that it was okay, the only reason an unattractive boy hangs out with attractive boys is because he’s the funny one. Maybe the boys in the car had just dubbed me the funny one! Which might explain why I was dressed in 80’s vintage! As I frequently remind my more attractive friends, “Not all of us can get by on good looks.” And as my mom used to always remind me, “Hope springs eternal.” (What does that even mean, mom? I used to think it was in reference to the season, like, I hope spring lasts forever. Since then, I have realized that is not likely).
Moral of the story: Don't hang around people more attractive than you. CC, you MORON.
7 Things About Crushes: CC

Monday, November 17, 2008
CAMILLE: 7 things about me
-muscular in a leaner sort of way...
-lips. he's got to have lips. substantial ones. otherwise what would you kiss??
-a good masculine jaw.
-teeth. preferably all of them. hopefully white and straight... heh.
-height...preferably taller than me.
7 things I always say
-I believe you.
-I bet.
-I'm sure.
-Please bless.
-Caitlin Boyce. You don't know her.
-I'll get over it. (usually to myself...)
7 things I love to eat
-peach cobbler
-tuna lids at my grandma's house
-chicken masala at Bombay house
-peach rings
-gala apples
7 things I can do
-I can run fast. sort of.
-I can sing. sometimes.
-I can be optimistic. mostly.
-I can listen to people. almost always.
-I can get good grades. with a B in Ms. Lambert's class.
-I can organize very well. nearly anything.
-I can play the piano. a bit.
7 things I can't do
-I can't stop from making faces at my one-year old niece.
-I can't eat squash.
-I can't juggle a soccer ball past like 20.
-I can't stop myself from procrastinating.
-I can't rat my hair. It's a mind thing...
-I can't scratch my fingernails on a chalkboard.
-I can't get over Caitlin's sheets.
Monday, November 10, 2008
7 Things About Me: Freckles
-muscular in a leaner sort of way...
-lips. he's got to have lips. substantial ones. otherwise what would you kiss??
-a good masculine jaw.
-teeth. preferably all of them. hopefully white and straight... heh.
-height...preferably taller than me.
7 things I always say
-I believe you.
-I bet.
-I'm sure.
-Please bless.
-CC Lemondrop. You don't know her.
-I'll get over it. (usually to myself...)
7 things I love to eat
-peach cobbler
-tuna lids at my grandma's house
-chicken masala at Bombay house
-peach rings
-gala apples
7 things I can do
-I can run fast. sort of.
-I can sing. sometimes.
-I can be optimistic. mostly.
-I can listen to people. almost always.
-I can get good grades. with a B in Ms. Lambert's class.
-I can organize very well. nearly anything.
-I can play the piano. a bit.
7 things I can't do
-I can't stop from making faces at my one-year old niece.
-I can't eat squash.
-I can't juggle a soccer ball past like 20.
-I can't stop myself from procrastinating.
-I can't rat my hair. It's a mind thing...
-I can't scratch my fingernails on a chalkboard.
-I can't get over CC's sheets.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
7 Things About Me: CC
Saturday, November 8, 2008
7 Things About Me: Rainbow
7 Things that attract me to the person I like :)~ His Smile
~His eyes
~his teeth :D
~His funny facial expressions
~His cute butt and legs.
~The passion he shows towards things.
~his luscious attitude he has towards me
7 Things I always say
~Huh? I might be somewhat deaf
~I'm over it
~Are you kidding me?
~You're a nerd.
~you'll get over it
7 Things I LOVE to eat
~pretzel bites from the pretzel maker at the Orem mall. :)
~Homemade bread w/ homemade strawberry jam
~no bake cookies :)
~Things from alive garden
7 Things I can do
~I can get good grades
~Shop, I love to shop. I could do it all day long.
~Eat things. and sleep. heh
~keep random things that I don't need for years
~talk to people about things that happen.
~watch movies all day or sometimes read
~text all day
7 Things I can't Do
~I can't get myself to tell people my problems very often
~hit people my hardest. so everyone thinks I'm weak because I barely tap people if I hit them.
~Talk about my feelings.
~Cry in front of people. or in public even if no one is there
~Make new friends, I am too shy.
~Can't control my laziness. I can't overpower it
~I can't sleep without a pillow or someone holding me. I usually squeeze my pillow to death to make up for the absent space in ma bad. heh. heh.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
History Repeats Itself
I'm not sure whether I'm just skeptical, unforgiving, or both. But apparently this famous essayist and publisher, Norman Cousins, agrees with me. "History is a vast early warning system."
History repeats itself. Different years and different zip codes, but same stories.
This applies to people also. People live in patterns. Why do you think our religion is based around a book that tells the story of the pride cycle? (Then tells it again and again and again...)
You don't have to learn the hard way... AGAIN. Learn from past mistakes.
P.S. Don't sleep over at boy's houses!!!
(added 1/5/09)
I would like to take back what I said about sleeping over at boy's houses. I mean, it's still a bad idea, but I have to take it back so I'm not a hypocrite.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Rainbow's Opinion About Cycling
My boy things... hmmm. I slept at a guy's house Friday night. WEIRD!!! Nothing bad happened. Don't worry. It was just one of those things I guess. But he was cute and made it not weird (as un-weird as it possibly could be.)
Swede's Cycle
Swede... He went from awkward, to funny, to sweet, to manipulative and angry and depressed, to suicidal and psycho and scary and irrational, to non-existent in my life, to acquaintance-like, to friendly and sorry, to sane and reasonable and semi-sweet (sounds like a chocolate chip...).
Now what. Every bit of my past experience leads directly to the conclusion that we are never to be more than very casual friends on occasion. So why is it that when he gets too close or, like that one really weird time at Moose's house, he put his arms around me (yikes!) my stomach drops (you know, like on a roller coaster. or maybe more like an elevator...). The obvious answer is to continue chanting my ever-relevant motto "It's just hormones. It's just hormones" over and over in my mind and to practically ignore the issue all together.
Of course now I'm wondering what the issue really is. He doesn't want me to be his girlfriend... I guess I'm just nervous to get in too deep again. Nervous that he'll revert to that seemingly permanent state of mind, where he contemplates suicide and feels like everyone hates him and tries to manipulate me, that scares me so much. At the moment he seems completely rational and very nearly sane. And I feel like his mother when I say he's made a ton of terrific progress. In fact I feel like we're on great terms right now. In fact I'm pretty sure I really wouldn't mind having him as a fairly close guy friend. I can handle that can't I? Or the bigger question, can he?
CC and Freckles Talk Boys
Friday, June 27, 2008
Rainbow's Decision
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rainbow's Quick Update
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Artificial Relationship
Anyhow. Now for my profound statement of common sense:
If, in any sort of relationship, you cannot be completely honest and have to keep things from anyone in order to create an illusion of yourself, it is an artificial relationship.
Ok. So that may also have been one of those statements that have been pushed to the extreme and do not allow for any special situations, but hey, at least someone still posts on this blog.*
*That was a hint ;)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Identity Crisis
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Freckles' Sad Poem
This poem was written by CC Lemondrop in an e-mail to me. She is a talented individual.
(This is a work of fiction, artistic liberties have been taken and it may contain inside jokes, stories and peanuts.)
Eythan is a funny boy
Who doesn't know what to do.
He likes Freckles and wants her bod
But Rainbow wants him too.
Rainbow is a funny girl
Who likes Eythan dear.
She doesn't want some lame-o crap
But crap isn't a main fear.
Ben is a funny boy
Who Freckles has a thing for.
But he likes Sue, the normal girl
And I can't say much more.
William is a funny boy
Who loves Freckle's true heart.
He'll buy it, steal it, beg and plead,
Just to have a part.
Freckles is a funny girl
With a heart of gold.
She doesn't know how to tell Will
Her heart will not be sold.
Freckles likes a lot of boys,
As friends and lovers and more.
Even though she likes them all,
She's not a dirty bore.
CC is a funny girl
Who wrote this awesome rhyme.
Maybe if you try and try,
You can be like her with time.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Age Sucks
Why is it that I can’t like a guy younger than me, even by 9 days?
Why is it that I don’t find any teenage male attractive, physically or personally?
Why is it that I can be so immature that the only guys that like me are perverts or only 13? (Oh wait, isn’t that the same thing?)
Why is it that I bounce between crushes on teenage boys and crushes on guys in their mid-twenties and crushes on movie stars and a strange attraction to sports cars and chalupas?
Why is it that the first guy I ever connected with on an intellectual level was 8 years my senior... oh, and I only met him once?
Why is it that I can’t stand 75% of all males, but I still have a problem with the lack of problems in the other 25%?
Why is it that the only guy close to my age that I understand intellectually fits in that 25% category, lives in California, is in love with my perfect, beautiful friend, and is a diehard conservative?
Why is it that I’m thoroughly worried about this when I’m not even 16 yet? I’m giving myself a headache.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Importance of Timing
I wish Freckles would post on this site. She really needs to. She could really add a lot of knowledge. The fact that she keeps her knowledge from us is selfish and beachy. (Just kidding, Freckles. You know you have ALL MY LOVE.)
Just a quick reminder to those who would like to post on this blog: please put labels on your posts. This will someday make it easier to find specific topics; i.e. scamming, timing, movies, etc.
I would like to take a moment here to talk to you, and all readers, about the importance of timing. Whether or not this applies to you, it's a good time to learn about timing.
I recently made an important discovery. The thing about all relationships is TIMING. There is a faint possibility that any girl and any guy could be compatible if the timing was right. Unfortunately, all heartbreak is a result of bad timing. Think about it.
All of this being hypothetical: Bonnie and Clyde break up because Clyde said the wrong thing at the wrong time. A strong relationship built on crime, GONE, because of one stupid comment. Jack can't get Jill because Jill is hung up on Humpty Dumpty. However, Jill finally notices Jack after the candle stick incident, but by that point, Jack could have ANY girl (within the realm of Mother Goose.) Naturally Jack goes after Little Bo Peep. Stupid blondes.
Let's look at my favorite stupid TV show, Gossip Girl. Blair and Nate break up (the first time) because Nate's dad is a drug addict and he can't keep any promises to Blair since he's so stressed. This is driving Blair batty. So they break up. And exactly 20 minutes after breaking up with her life-long boyfriend, Blair performs at a speak-easy then loses her virtue to Nate's best friend, Chuck, in the back of a moving vehicle. Admit it, we all liked it. Naturally.
Or we could look at the example of Rufus (who is cuter than his name) and Lilly. They want so much to be together, but they can't because their KIDS are dating. That's right; Serena and Dan are dating, and it would just be cruel for Lilly and Rufus to get together at this point. Because SERENA CAN'T BE SLEEPING WITH THE SON OF THE MAN HER MOM IS SLEEPING WITH. Naturally. (Luckily for Lilly and Rufus, it looks like Serena and Dan are over after the little Georgina incident during the Lincoln Hawk concert. Which ended with Lilly and Rufus sharing a passionate kiss in the rain. Which could put a dent in Lilly's upcoming marriage to Chuck's dad. NATURALLY.)
What it comes down to: While I don't condone getting life advice from Gossip Girl, or any CW show, it is true that relationships are just about timing. Bad timing=trouble. Good timing=possibility.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
She's Trying to Hook Up With My Boyfriend!
- CC,
I think that I will most definitely need to watch The Office. Maybe get season three. You will have to buy the ice cream and I'll by that season. We will eat and watch and discuss all our problems and what not. :)
- Others :/